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Isn't it funny? People leave you by yourself for a time long enough for you to start loving yourself and turning loneliness into happiness and the suddenly come back, expecting you to be confortable after a long period?

When left alone, you discovered the joys of being with and by yourself. You came to experience a certain type of freedom you haven't felt before. You began to explore. You found so many new things and pass-times that have quickly become your best friends. You turned your loneliness into happiness.

People often say loneliness can lead to depression or negative thoughts, but they do not complete the sentence. It is loneliness with restrictions, and I believe the correct term for that is isolation.

Loneliness without restrictions may become someone's best friend, their lifeline. They begin to depend on alone time so much that they refuse to go outside, even with family. They want to spend each and every minute with their best friend.

Some, like me, don't mind giving up social life to do the things they discovered and grew to love during this period. They may seem shy, hesitant or anti-social, often talking to those who think similarly. There are no fights between such friends, and I think that is beautiful.

When you grow to love loneliness like I have, you get excited when parents go out of town, and dejected when they work from home. Them going to work doesn't hurt you, and them coming home late actually makes you happy.

You generally stay away from people, and carry something you love, maybe a book, or something to read on your phone. Music becomes your savior and headphones, your defense.

All in all, I just wanted to share the beauty of loneliness as I see it, to maybe help some of those who read this.

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