"Dear Corona"

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Dear Corona,

I hope you get out of your maniac phase soon. Don't get me wrong, I love the new, positive changes you brought to us. Thanks to you, people are eating healthier food, maintaining their health regularly, pollution levels all around the world have come down. Families are spending more time with each other, people are becoming more culturally knowledgable. I can actually see a few stars in the city about right now. It's night where I live as I am writing this message to you. I heard a few birds chirping earlier in the evening and the street beside my apartment has never been this silent.

However, many people are stuck with their families, in a bad way. They've got practically nothing to do from home, and they're getting frustrated. Divorce rates in China have shot up since you took control. It has become extremely easy to agitate people. Doctors, nurses and ambulances are working day and night, trying to save us from you. I hope we can find common ground, a balance between all of the positives and the negatives, thanks to you. 

Requesting you to leave us with a permanently good change.

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