First Boss

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   Your POV~  

     It's been a month since Kirito and I made it to the second town. 1,500 players have died. We came across several players striving to become better and escape the world they're trapped in. We helped them out of course, reduced the 2,000+ players that died that first month by 500...but I wished we could have saved more. Kirito and I are both level 15 by now, by the time of the first meeting. 'I wonder if (f/n) is okay...I hope so.' I thought as we made our way to the front row.

     "Are you okay (y/n)?" I looked over to see a concerned Kirito looking at me, 'He's so close to my face...' I thought, feeling my face grow hot. "I-I'm perfectly fine!" I yelled, getting strange looks from the other players around us. Kirito just laughed as he pulled me into a hug. My face only started to grow hotter and hotter.

   Kirito's POV~

      As I looked at (y/n)'s red face, I couldn't help but smile. 'There's something about her that I can't help but love...' I thought, feeling my own face grow hot.

     "(Y-Y/n)...I wanted to tell you that I-"

  Your POV~

      "(Y-Y/n)...I wanted to tell you that I-" "(YYY/NNNNNN)!!!" I heard someone shout. I looked over and saw (f/n), Klein running close behind her. That's when I got tackled by (f/n), we were sent tumbling across the ground. I could hear Kirito and Klein cracking up behind us, I looked at (f/n) and started laughing too. "(Y/N)! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She said. "I KNOW (f/n) I MISSED YOU TOO!" I told her, virtual tears welling up in our eyes. We hugged some more and wiped our eyes, when (f/n) pulled me over to the side. "Sooo, what's up with you and Klein?" I said to (f/n) grinning. Her eyes danced merrily as she told me that Klein and her were dating now. "Really?! I'm so happy!" I said giving (f/n) a breif hug. "Soooooo, how about you and Kirito..." I looked at (f/n)'s face, a devilish grin growing steadily. I started to feel my face grow hot and waved my hands wildly in her face. "I-I don't know if he likes me yet...though he as about to tell me something" I said, my words slowing down as I thought about what Kirito might have said. My face grew even hotter as I thought about it. 'CRAP! WHY DID I SAY ANYTHING TO HER!?' I thought as I looked back at (f/n) and saw a huge smile on her face. We had come to the same realization. I looked back at Kirito and saw he was chatting with Klein. Klein said something that made Kirito's face turn crimson red and then after a moment of Klein grinning, Kirito looked my way. His beautiful coal-colored eyes met my own (e/c) eyes. Our faces got even more red, if that was even possible, and then quickly looked away from each other. 

     'Does he-she really feel the same way about me...' The same question crossed into our minds in union.

     Then Diabel (the blue haired guy) started to explain the battle plan. (f/n) and I made our way back to our seats. (F/n) sat down next to Klein, of course, and as I sat down next to Kirito I placed my hand down beside rested on top on Kirito's hand...We looked down at our hands then back at each other. Our faces grew hot until they were a bright red. We then both jerked our hands away and looked the opposite way of each other. 'O-o-our hands just...touched...'

     After Diabel finished explaining what was going to happen, he said to form groups of 6 people. Kirito, Klein, (f/n), and I got into a group when I looked over and saw a figure sitting in a higher row by themselves. Asuna was sitting there, cloak and all. Unfortunately, (f/n) folloed my gaze and Kirito soon looked over for himself. "We should probably ask her if she wants to join too." (f/n) and I looked at each other in shock. An evil grin soon replaced that look on (f/n)'s face. "Good idea, Kirito. (Y/n), why don't you go ask her?" she said. I glared daggers at (f/n) then gave her a "Are you trying to ruin my love life and shatter my hopes and dreams" look. "Fine." I muttered making my way over to the cloaked Asuna, leaving a confused Kirito and devilish-looking (f/n) behind me. 'She is sooooo gonna pay, that fricken "bouche" of a friend.' I thought as I walked to the covered girl that would potentially steal the love of my life away from me. Unfortuanately, she agreed and made her way to the rest of our group.

     When the meeting was over, (f/n) and I went and sat in the spot Asuna would have been in when she and Kirito first talked. Hey, (f/n) owed me for inviting her to the group anyway. We were like, 'If Kirito really wanted to talk to Asuna, they could go some where else', well that was more me than her that thought that, but still. I got the sandwiches I made earlier out of my menu and handed (f/n) one. "This is soooo good! What level is your cooking skill?!" She exclaimed as she took the first bite of her sandwich. "Actually I maxed it out two days ago!" I said looking up smiling, eyes closed, my arms crossed. "Jeez, how much food does Kirito eat?" she giggled. "Actually, Kirito doesn't know I maxed, or even started leveling my cooking skill...I wanted to surprise him..." I said lightly blushing, looking at the ground. "Well, today looks like that day~" (f/n) said while nudging me in the side. I looked up and saw Kirito coming towards us. "Mind if I sit down?" he asked. "Not at all~" (f/n) told him, "you can sit right next to (y/n)!" Blush dusted his cheeks as he sat down next to me. "What are you two eating?" "Oh, just some sandwiches that (y/n) made~" (f/n) replied, handing Kirito a sandwich. He took a bite out of it and stared at me, his eyes sparkling. "What level is your cooking skill?!" he asked. "I maxed it out the other day!" I said smiling at him. "When? I've never known you could cook!" "I leveled it up when you weren't around. I didn't think it was that important so I never mentioned it." I explained. "Well from now on, you're making all of my food!" Kirito exclaimed. I laughed and smiled. "That's fine with me!"

---The Next Day: On the way to the first boss room---

     Kirito was walking beside me, we were talking and laughing when I heard two sighs behind us. I looked back to see a tired Klein and (f/n), an 'I give up' face on both of them. Asuna, still cloaked just huffed and had her arms crossed. "I still don't get it!" Asuna said. "It's okay, Klein and (f/n) will explain it!" I said smiling back at Asuna. They both glared at me, but I just turned around and started to laugh with Kirito again. 'You got yourself into this mess, by bringing her with us~' I thought smiling as I continued to hear sighs and moaning from behind.

---At "The Illfang's" Boss Room---

     Our group was one of the reject groups fighting against Illfang's (the first boss) minions. After a while, Diabel tried to finish off Illfang, made eye contact with Kirito, then was sent flying to the other end of the room. Kirito and I went over to Diabel then he explained that he was a beta tester like Kirito, refused the health potion and dispersed into blue-colored polygonal shards. Kirito then looked down, I hugged him, we got up and then he got serious. "Let's kill it together..." Kirito told me. "But, there's only the one prize that's rewarded to the player that get's the final kill." "We'll see." he said as we both charged at the boss, Asuna following.

      Illfang went for Asuna but I blocked with my sword. 'Don't want Kirito to be in awe at her good looks now can we?' I thought as I rushed over to Kirito to help deplete Illfang's last health bar. After about a minute or so, Kirito and I delivered the final blow, Leaving the rat-like boss to disintegrate behind us.

     Congratulations, You have received "The Coat of Midnight"!

     That's when Kibaou (the orage, spiky haired guy), blamed Kirito and I for Diabel's death. Kirito started to laugh when Kibaou said that he was a beta-tester. I looked over at Kirito, who was standing beside me. "Don't throw me in with those beginners." he said and started to explain that he made it higher than any other player in the beta and that he knew more than any broker. "A beta and a cheater...A BEATER!" They chanted 'beater' over and over until Kirito chuckled, put on his 'Coat of Midnight' and started out the door to the next floor. Asuna stopped him, removed her cloak and asked how he knew her name. After he explained, she giggled. He then started walking up the cobblestone steps that led up to the second floor.

     'Kirito...' I thought. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Go after him (y/n)...," I heard (f/n) whisper. "we'll meet again at Christmas...just save The Moonlit Black Cats..." I nodded and turned around, tears welling up in my eyes. I hugged her, smiled and gave each other a fist-bump. I put on my own 'Coat of Midnight', then made my way up the stairs after Kirito.

---The Second Floor: Urbus---

     "KIRITO!" I yelled as I ran after him. "What do you want...?" he asked me, not turning around. I felt a sharp pain deep in my heart. "I-I want to go with you..." I said blushing. "You'll slow me down..." "Please...Kirito..." I said grabbibg his wrist. I could tell his face was a bright red. There was a long pause. "F-fine..." he muttered. I smiled as I hugged him from behind. We both fell to the ground laughing as the sun started to set on Aincrad.

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