Welcome to the Land of Fairies

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Your POV~

       It was after school, when we were walking home that Kirito had asked me. "Hey (y/n)...there's this new...um...VRMMO...and uh, if it's okay with you...I wanted to know if you wanted to play it with me..." he had his hand on his neck. I grinned and nodded as I took his hand in mine and stared into his eyes. "Alfheim?! I wanted to ask you, but I didn't know if you would be okay with playing on the Nerve Gear again!!" I told him, making him grin too. "So...do you want to meet up with me at 5?" Kirito asked. "Of course!! I'll see you there!" I said as I entered my house.

        '4:59...come on, come on...' Just as the time changed to 5:00, I said two words, "Link Start!" Colors surrounded me and I was in this dark room. 'Welcome to Alfheim Online!' appeared infront of me. It gave me the option to transfer my account from SAO, so I did so. 'Please pick a race.' the system said and gave me nine options: "Salamander, no...Imp...no, Sylph, no that's Leafa, Gnome...no, Leprechaun...no...Pooka...no. Hmm. Cait Sith, Undline, or Spriggan? Undline's use water and focus on magic...so no...Cait Sith, I'll be fast and have a cat tail and ears...I'll leave that for (f/n). So...I guess I'll choose Spriggan!" I said to myself as I looked through the nine races. I selected Spriggian and fell down into the world.

         "Owww..." I muttered as I landed. I looked around and saw Kirito. When he saw me, he just stared and blushed. "K-Kirito?" I waved my hand infront of his face. "Are you lagging?" I asked, then looked down to examine myself. The clothes that I was wearing were black, because I chose Spriggan which made me choose to make my hair color black in the game (you can change your hair color and style in VRMMO's), but I was wearing a long-sleeved top that was pretty much looked like a fitted sweater, it had a cape that went down to my knees that had a hood, a really short skirt, and knee-high boots. Even if I slightly bent over, the skirt would go up. '...so when I was falling...Kirito could have looked up and...' My face started growing hot. I gave him a quick slap and he unfroze. "S-Sorry (y/n)..." he said. I just laughed and helped him up. We pulled up our menus with a quick swipe and looked at our stats. "They're the same from SAO..." Kirito muttered and I nodded as I looked at my items. "...no...no, no, no, no, no, no." I muttered as I looked through my inventory and saw that all of my items when corrupted. I sighed when I finally found it, Yui's Heart. Kirito and I smiled at each other as I materialized the item in my hands. Hesitantly, very hesitantly, we decided to delete all of our items from SAO. "...my swords..." we whimpered in union. Just then, Yui's Heart stated to glow in my hands. It slowly floated out of my hands and into the air infront of us. A blue light flash and covered our vision, when it disappeared, Yui was there. Tears started falling down my face. Her eyes fluttered open and she cried when she saw us. "Mama, Papa!" she said as Yui jumped into our arms and hugged us. "We're a family again..." I whispered and smiled as we all hugged. Yui looked up at us and her eyes grew wide for a second, like she had remembered something. There was a flash of light and Yui changed into the form of a little pixie. "Here in Alfheim, they have humanlike programs that are used for player support. They're called 'Navigation Pixies'. I have to change into this form so that the system allows me to stay!" she explained as she flew over and sat on my shoulder. I activated my wings and started to hover off the ground. I grabbed Kirito's hand and gestured for him to do the same...he failed. As he materialized his wings, he got to the height that I was at but fell and face-planted on the ground. "Owww..." he said as he blushed and rubbed his head, Yui and I laughing. He started to look up at me but I quickly lifted him back up, blushing, so that he wouldn't look up my skirt. I held both of his hands so that he could steady himself and we flew higher into the sky.

       We crashed onto the ground and found ourselves inturupting a battle between a Sylph and three Salamanders. "I can fly okay, but I still have to work on the landing..." I muttered as we stood up. The four other fairies stared at us with annoyed expressions. "You three heaily-armed warriors against one girl?" Kirito asked. "That's unfair, but if we helped her out, our side would over power theirs..." I muttered, thinking of a strategy. "Whay did you say?!" one of the Salamanders questioned. I faintly blushed from embarrassment. "...oh...sorry, I was just thinking out loud..." I told them, nervously smiling. "Shut our mouth!! We'll start with you!!" the same guy shouted. "...so are we allowed to waste these guys?" Kirito asked as we readied our swords. "That's what they're trying to do to you!!" the Sylph, Leafa, shouted at us. "Good point." I said as Kirito attacked one player and I attacked the other. The two Salamander's health dispersed to zero in one swing of our swords and the third started to fly upward. "What's up? Don't you want a turn?" Kirito asked the other guy, smiling. "No thank you. My magic skill is nearly at 900. I'd rather not risk the penalty." he called back down, waving one hand dismissively. "At least you're honest." I said. "How about you?" I asked, turning towards Leafa. "If you want to fight that guy, we won't interfere." "I'll pass." she said. "...so...what should I do now?" Leafa muttered out loud. "Should I thank you or run away? Or draw my blade?" Kirito crossed his arms and grinned. "Well, given that I'm kind of the heroic knight who saved the princess from the villian, I could go for a tearful, smothering embrace from the grateful princess." I playfully punched his arm, laughing. Leafa's face was red and she looked shocked. "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! I'd rather fight you!!" she shouted. "I'm just kidding." Kirito chuckled. "That's right! She can't do that!!" A muffled voice called. "The only one who can hug papa are mama and me!!" Yui shouted as she popped out of Kirito's shirt pocket. "Hey, is this one of those private pixies?" Leafa asked, leaning close to Yui. She looked up at Kirito and blushed. "B-Brother?! (Y/n)?!" she shouted. "Sugu?!" He yelled. "You didn't know?" I laughed. They looked at me. "How did you know it was me?" Leafa questioned. Kirito nodded. "What?! Oh, um...well, you see..." I muttered. I couldn't just tell them that I was a huge fan of their anime. "Oh! When you showed me around your room, I looked up and saw a poster with that exact same fairy. So I assumed it as you!" I told her, hand on my neck, laughing nervously. She didn't look convinced but she just shrugged. "I guess that makes sense..." she said. "Well that would explain your abilities since you two were trapped in SAO...Well anyways, why did you guys spawn so far away from your territory?" We both shrugged, making her giggle. "Okay then, why don't I treat you two to dinner?" she asked smiling. I looked over at Kirito and we grinned at each other. 'Never treat the two of us to free food~!' I thought as Leafa gave us a worried look. "Yeah, we need someone to show us around too." I told her. She smiled. "Sure! Follow me!" she told us as she started to fly off. Kirito's shoulders slumped and I giggled as I dragged him back into the air after Leafa.

          Recon, the green, bowl haired Sylph, was already waiting when we arrived at Swilvane, the Sylph town. Kirito and I looked around in awe at the town when Recon turned towards us. "Y-You two are Spriggans! What are you doing here?! he asked. "Oh, they rescued me." Leafa told him. "This is Recon, a good friend." she turned and told us. "Um, Leafa...Sigurd says we have to split up the items from today's hunt..." he told her. "I'll pass. Just shot me a message when the next hunt is scheduled. I promised them a free meal~!" Leafa responded, smiling. I smiled and waved bye to Recon as we made our into 'The Lily of the Valley' to eat. We sat at a table in the back. Yui started to much on a cookie about twice her size when Kirito asked, "So that was your boyfriend?" Leafa waved her hands infront of her face. "HUH?! No! He's just a party member! I mean, he goes to my school in real life...that's all...So anyways, It's all on me so order whatever you want!" We grinned at her. "In that case-" we started. "Just don't eat too much!" She quickly added. "So, do you get alot of those PK gangs here?" I asked. Leafa then explained how the Salamanders and Sylphs have always had their differences and since their territory is near the Sylph's, they started organizing PK's like that recently. Then she explained the World Tree and the grand quest that goes along with it. "You knoww about the limits, right? Every race in game can only fly for about ten minutes at a time, max. But whichever race reaches the floating city atop the World Tree to meet the 'Fairy King', Oberon, first..." I gritted my teeth and filled with anger as I heard the name 'Oberon'. "will be reborn as a new, higher race called Alfs. After that, you'll be able to fly as long and far as you want...Though no one's even been able to reach the lowest branch by flying but there's another way, within the roots beneath the World Tree is a giant dome. There's an entrance in the roof of the dome that lets you climb up the inside of the tree, but the NPC guardians that watch over the dome are super-powerful...A bunch of  different races have tried to challenge them...but they've been wiped out every time. The Salamanders are the most powerful force at the moment...They're probably mustering forces now, thinking the next time's a charm." she finished. Kirito sighed, "So they're that strong, huh?" he asked. "You wouldn't even believe it..." Leafa muttered. "People are checking around to make sure they haven't missed any quests, but if it's the latter, that'll never happen. I mean, It's a contradiction. The quest is only beatable by the first race to complete it." she paused for a minute. "Of course, there are other quests, and you can always raise your crafting skills...but it's hard to give up on it. I mean, once you've fully learned how to fly." she smiled. "Well, looks like we found a new goal." Kirito said, grinning at me. I nodded. "I'll tell (f/n) about this too!" I said. "Then I'll have to come with you guys and get there before you." Leafa said grinning. "Let's meet at 3 tomorrow then!" We nodded and all headed up to the inn and logged out.

        When I opened my eyes, I took off the Nerve Gear and smiled. I called (f/n) and told her what had happened in Alfheim. I told her to meet us three to start leveling up tomorrow and she agreed. After that we hung up. 'And now it begins...'

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