I'll Love You...Always

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Your POV~

        It's been a month since Kirito saved me from Alfheim. Sugou was arrested but I never found out what happened to Asuna... Anyways, today (f/n) told us to meet for an offline get-together and celebrate the escape of SAO. So were on our way.

        My leg had healed but there was still a scar there. It still hurt and I had to use crutches to walk long distnaces. So here I am, hobbling around as I'm trying to get there on one leg. "Come here, I'll carry you~!" Kirito chuckled as he, literally, swept me off my feet. He started carrying me bridal style down the side walk. "K-Kirito, put me down. People are staring..." I muttered. "But if I put you down, we'll be late~!" he whined. "Fine. Well at least carry me on your back..." I said, faintly blushing. He chuckled as he put me down and bent low to the ground. I hopped on his back and he stood up. "Hold on!!" he told me as he ran towards the shop, me laughing and ruffling his dark hair.

        When we got there, the cafe was already full of people. "I thought we arrived early!!" I said. (F/n) came up to us and grinned. "The stars have to be the last ones to show up~!" (f/n) giggled. "You know I don't like being the center of attention..." I told her, crossing my arms and glaring at her. "Awww~! You're so cute when you're mad~!" Kirito cooed as he pinched my cheek. "S-stop it." I stuttered, blushing. They laughed and (f/n) grabbed our hands and led us to the front of the shop. She told us to stand on top of a wooden box and so we did. "Why do-" I started. A paper unfolded behind us that said: Congratulations! and party poppers went off, getting confetti and streamers in our hair. "Let's give a cheer to the two lovers that beat Sword Art Online!! To (Y/n) and Kirito!!" (f/n) shouted, holding up a drink. "Cheers!!" Everyone shouted back. Our faces turned bright red with embarrassment as made our way over to the bar.

       Agil sent two drinks over to us and we both took a curious sip of it. "Oolong Tea..." Kirito muttered. Klein sat beside him and told Agil to give him a real one. "Don't you have to go to work after this?" I questioned. Klein just grinned and took a sip. "Like I could pull overtime without a drink. Besides..." he said looking behind us. I smiled as I saw Lisbeth, Silica, and Yolko laughing and having fun. "Agil, how's the seed doing? What happened to it?" Kirito asked. "You'd be amazed. There's around fifty mirror servers now. Downloads are numbering a hundred thousand and there are about three hundred major servers that are making use of it." He told us with a smile.

       After Kirito had saved me, we brought the World Seed that Kayaba left me to Agil, and asked him to look into it. As a result, we learned that the World Seed was a program package called 'The Seed', that Kayaba devoloped. It stimulates a full-dive-type virtual MMO enviroment. Put simply, if 'The Seed' is downloaded onto a server with decent bandwidth, anyone could create their own online world with it. So that it'd be avaliable to use, Kirito and I asked Agil to upload it to servers worldwide. And so, virtual MMOs, that were disappearing, took flight once more. Alfheim Online, too, was taken up by new management and revived. Alfheim wasn't the only one reborn, though. Smaller corporations, even private ones, hundreds of organizations seized the opportunity and began their own virtual game servers one after another. They became mutually linked. So now, converting avatar to another game is possible for everyone, not just a glitch.

       "Hey, we're still on for the afterparty, right?" I asked. "Yeah, tonight at eleven, we'll be meeting at Yggdrasil City." Agil told me, grinning. I smiled as laughter filled the small cafe.


        I was sitting above the clouds, staring over at the virtual moon. "It's almost time, so I came to get you." Kirito said from behind me. I smiled at him as he sat down beside me. "Hey (y/n)...let's dance." he told me as he took my hand in his. "B-But I'm bad at dancing..." I muttered, blushing. "I am too." Kirito chuckled as he pulled me up. He took out a small bottle and opened it. Glowing air swirled arond us, glittering. Kirito had both of my hands in his and was spinning me around. We glided through the air and laughed as we leapt away from each other but still held each other's hand. He twirled me around and we contined to spin with each other, the moonlight shining around us. Kirito pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed back and we looked towards the moon. "Here it comes." he said. As I looked up, an iron palace floated into my view. "It's...it's Aincrad..." I whispered. He nodded as he told me, "Yeah...this time, I'm going to beat all 100 floors and conquer that castle." Then he looked over to me and smiled. "With you by my side, of course." A tear ran downn my face as I smiled. "No matter the distance, I'll be with you." "We'll be with Yui too...We'll be a true family again..." Kirito told me as he pulled towards him and I hugged him tight.

        "Hey! You guys are late!" Klein called to us, holding (f/n)'s hand. "Come on, we're gonna leave you two behind~!" (f/n) said as they flew past. We laughed and I flew forward. "Let's go, Kirito..." I told him with an outstretched hand. Yui materialized on my shoulder and sat down as Iku meowed. "Come, Papa!" Yui said. Kirito smiled at Yui then turned to me and looked me in my (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n), I'll love you...Always." he told me as he grabbed my hand and we flew towards our home. Towards Aincrad. "And I'll love you forever, Kirito..."



      This is the end of Virtually With Him. It's not the end of your love with him though~! I'm going to start Sword Art Online 2 very soon, so look out for that!! I'm going to call it: 'By Your Side'. So yeah...Hope you enjoyed my first story~!!

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