A New Life with Him~ Chapter 1

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Your POV~

      It's been two months since the remaining survivors of SAO escaped. Two months full of tears, agony, and despair that only he could mend. It seems that (F/n) and I entering SAO affected our world. Our familys are still here, but everyone acts as though we live in this other new world. I don't mind, that just means that one day, I'll see Kirito again soon.

       I was able to go to school again, so I tried looking in my closet for clothes...bad idea. I found a uniform. It seemed oddly familiar... "Hey mom." I called. "Yes?" "What is this uniform for...?" I asked. "Oh I forgot to tell you, today's your first day at a school for kids who survived...that. It's to catch up in school. (F/n) going, so you should be fine!" she explained. I knew it!! I'll see Kirito today!! I looked back the uniform and huffed. "Why a skirt...this isn't the KOB..." I muttered. I put on the top and pulled up the skirt. I did my hair like in SAO when Kirito asked me to the Christmas festival and headed downstairs. "(Y/n)...wearing a skirt and curling her hair?" My big sister asked. "Yeah...what the heck?" My little sister added. Before SAO, I was always the shy, video game, drawing kid in the back of the class, where my sisters were popular and cheerleaders. So yeah...I only dressed up on special occasions. "For your information, I wore skirts all the time in SAO. And Kirito always complimented me when we went on our dat-" I stopped. 'THEY CAN'T KNOW I HAD A VIRTUAL BOYFRIEND AND GOT MARRIED!!' I thought, I began to blush. I stuffed a pancake into my mouth as my mom and sister's eyes grew wide. "Who's Kirito?" little sister asked. "And what were you saying about him...?" Big sister questioned. My mom hugged me and gave me instructions on how to get to the school and I ran out the door. "Bring that boy back here sometime~!" My mom called after me and I felt my face grow hot as I made my way to my new school.

         Along the way, I saw (F/n) and Klein, they were holding hands. I ran up beside (F/n) and said "Hi." She screamed and hugged Klein while I just laughed. "Oh, how I missed not doing that." I giggled. "Why does this always happen with you? Where do you even come from?" she asked. I gave her a smile and we fist-bumped. "That uniform looks so cute~!!" "I wish it had pants and not a skirt..." I mumbled. "So...(y/n), Have you heard from Kirito yet?" Klein asked. I looked at the ground. "Not yet..." I told him, then looked back up. "But he promised me. He promised and I will see him again." I said. Klein smiled. "Well you better. Two always seemed happier when you were by each others sides. Besides, he's my best bud! I still owe him dinner!" he chuckled. "Hey (f/n), what are your classes?" I asked, pulling out my schedule. She looked at mine and smiled in glee. "We have the same exact classes~!!" She told me. I grinned. We turned and headed into school. Into our classes.

         As I entered the my homeroom with (f/n), everyone started staring. "Is that...the Black Swordswoman...?" I heard someone whisper. I automatically felt self-conscious. I sat in one of the back seats with (f/n) and looked down as she talked. The teacher intoduced himself and the first bell rang. As I was exiting the class, I saw a flash of raven-colored hair. 'Kirito...?' I thought. When I made it into the hallway I started to look around and see if I could find him. "(Y/n), our next class is this way~!!" (F/n) giggled as she dragged me behind her.

          When the last bell rang. I walked home alone after Klein and (f/n) walked the other way. I sprinted home, tears in my eyes as I thought about Kirito. I ran into the back of someone and was sent to the ground. "oww..." I muttered as I wiped away the tears that had been in my eyes. "I'm so sorry." I told them, then looked at the person. He had dark hair and black eyes. He was just staring at me. I stared back at him, stunned. I had so many things to tell him, I didn't know where to start. All of the loneliness and despair that I had held for two months finally surfaced. Tears were streaming down my face as I smiled and said, "Doesn't this situation bring back memories?" I asked. He smiled, "Serious deja vu." He agreed as tears fell down his face too. He helped me up and pulled me close to him. Our lips locked and we stayed there, not wanting to let each other go. "I finally found you (y/n)..." He told me. "I knew you would...Kirito...I've missed you..." I told him. "I love you (y/n). So never leave my side again." I nodded and smiled at him. "It's getting a bit cold...do you want to come to my house...?" I asked. He smiled and nodded back. He took his hand in mine and we walked to my house, laughing with each other.

           'He's finally back by my side...'

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