Good Bye...

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Your POV~

       "It's from Heathcliff." Kirito told me while reading a message. "He's requesting our presence for the boss of the 75th floor..." "It's hard to believe it's only been two weeks. " I said. "I know...Hey, (y/n)." "hmm?" "Is our love in this game only virtual..." Kirito asked me. I glared at him then thought for a moment. "This world may be virtual, where everything around us is just artificial data...but our hearts are real." I said, he smiled.

        "We gotta go, Kirito!!" I giggled. He was flopped on the bed, "But it's only been two weeks!" he moaned. "I don't want to go either but people are dieing!!" I laughed as I dragged him out the door.

~Floor 55: Grandzam~

        Heathcliff had just exited the room, after telling us that the players in the recon squad were all killed and told us the battle plan for the boss room.

        "(Y/n), don't get mad but...would you wait here while I fight?" Kirito asked. "I...I don't want something to happen to you..." "You're fighting for your life while I just wait and sit here...? Were going to do this together. I'm escaping this world with you by my side!" I told him. "But (y/-" Kirito started. "Besides, who's going to protect you if I'm not there?" I said smiling at him. He sighed. "You're right...I just...I want you to be by my side in the real world too..." Kirito told me. "I know...I want us to have a proper relationship...I want to live the rest of my life...with you there with me. So...we have to fight now, to ensure that we get back...together." He hugged me. "I'll make sure of that." he said.

~75th Floor Gate~

          "Klein, (F/n)!!" I called. "You're both here too?" Kirito asked. "Congratulations on your happy marriage~!" (f/n) said. I blushed, Kirito did too while putting his hand on his neck. "T-thanks!!" I told her. She just laughed, "Oh, and I like the uniform, It looks good on you (Y/n)~! I bet Kirito loves the miniskirt~!!" "Shut up..." I told her as we fist-bumped. I looked over to see Kirito nodding. I punched him in the side. "oww..." he groaned, as I ruffled his hair. That's when Heathcliff came and opened a portal straight to the boss room, using a 'Corridor Crystal'.

Kirito's POV~

~Boss Room~

            We entered the portal, hand in hand. Heathcliff went over the battle plan once more and we charged into the boss room. "Above you!!" (Y/n) yelled. The ground shook as the boney boss crashed to the ground, killing 6 men with one fatal swipe. I stood there stunned. Heathcliff blocked another attack with his sheild. (Y/n) ran in to block the next, swords ready. I blocked with her, our four blades crossed. "We'll stop the sythe! You attack from the the flanks!" I shouted to Klein, Agil, and (f/n). We continuously blocked as the bosses health fell. Our 'life' too was slowly depleting.

           The final blow was delt as the Skull Reaper gave one last shreik and burst into blue shards. 'It's finally over...' I thought. Everyone was panting as we all fell to the ground in exhaustion. "How many did we lose...?" Klein asked. "four-teen...four-teen dead.' I told him. Everybody's health was either in the red or low yellow...all execpt for Heathcliff...he had a look of confidence on his face. 'How can he look like that, knowing we got so badly injured? A face full of warmth and compassion as though gazing down from a great height. The expression a merciful god might wear...' I thought. 'Wait...that face...that's not the face of a man congratulating his comrades...he's not standing on the same level we are...'god...gazing down from a great height...' The god of Aincrad! I clearly should have unnerved Heathcliff during our duel...but the speed with which he reacted, it was like my vision shook for a second- it surpassed the speed of surpassed the maximum speed SAO allows its players to move!!' "You're right it..." (Y/n) whispered in my ear as if reading my mind. I jumped up to my feet and sliced at Heathcliff. He blocked with his sheild, but it was enough to lower his health. I leaped back next to (y/n) when a purple message popped up above him: Immortal Object...There was silence, everyone was too stunned to allow even one word to escape their mouths. "This is the truth behind the legend. The system is designed to prevent his HP from ever falling into the yellow zone! Heathcliff was afraid of his 'Holy Protection' being unmasked in our duel. The only things that can be labeled 'Immortal Objects' are the enviroment, NPC's, and system managers- not players! Except for one!" I told everyone. The silence continued. "There's something that stuck in the back of my mind ever since I came here. I figured he had to be watching us from somewhere, managing and fine-tuning the world. But I forgot a basic phychological fact, something that even a kid knows. 'There's nothing more boring than watching someone else play an RPG'...Isn't that right...Akihiko Kayaba?!" I finished. "Commander is this true?" Asuna asked, somewhere in the crowd. "Will you at least tell me how you figured it out?" Heathcliff said. "The first time I noticed that something was off was during our duel. You moved too fast in that final moment." I explained. "I should have known that was a painful failure for me. I was so overwhelmed by your attack, I had no choice but to use the system's assistance. My plan was to not reveal myself until the 95th floor had been reached. But alas...- Yes, I am Akihiko Kayaba. And I'm this game's final boss, the one who should have awaited you on the top floor." Heathcliff announced. "I'd always expected that you two would be the ones to confront me in the end." He said, looking at me and (y/n). "Out of the ten skills in the game, 'Dual Blades' is the one given to the player with the quickest response time. Though I wasn't aware that two players could get it...That player, or players in this case, should have been the ones to stand before the final villian, whether triumphant or beaten." He told us. " bastard...we actually swore our loyalty to you...we put our hopes in you! And you betrayed us..." A player said, he jumped up to attack Heathcliff. "You evil, twisted-!!" Heathcliff opened a menu and the player was sent to the ground, along with every other player, except (y/n) and I. "A paralysis effect..." (Y/n) muttered. "I am left with no choice, I must accelerate my plans. I will grant you the opportunity to fight me in a two-on-one duel right here, right now. No immortality, of course. If you beat me, the game will be over, and all players will be able to log out of this world." Heathcliff told us, a grin of his face. I looked over to (y/n). She noded and I face Heathcliff, once again. "All right, let's settle this." I squeezed (Y/n)'s hand once more and smiled at her. 'Even if I lose and turn to nothingness,you have to live on.' "Kirito, (Y/n)!!" Klein shouted. "Don't do this...!" Agil yelled. We turned around to face him. "We know what you've done." (Y/n) told him. "You spent nearly all of your earnings helping to outfit players in the mid-level zones. Thanks for all your support of the swordsmen in this game Agil." I said. We looked at Klein and (f/n). "Remember when we all first met? We're sorry we left you behind like that." I told him. "(F/n), I'll meet you back in the...real world?" (Y/n) looked confused. (F/n) giggled. "Well, I'll see you again!" (Y/n) said winking. "Kick his butt for me!" (F/n) shouted. "I'm not gonna forgive you until I've at least had the chance to buy you a dinner back in the real world!!" Klein shouted, tears in his eyes. "All right, it's a deal. We'll all meet up on the other side!" I said smiling.

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