Chapter 3

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Your POV~

       It's been 3 months since Kirito and I started dating in 'the real world'. We were sitting on the couch at my house. "You cheater!!" I laughed as he raced across the finish line a split second before me and he got 1st place. "What?! I won that fair and square!" He chuckled as I lightly punched his shoulder. I heard his stomach growl. "I'll make us something to eat," I giggled "in the next race, loser has to do something for the winner!" I looked back to see a smirk on his face. I smiled at him and made us both a sandwich.

       "BEATER!!" I shouted. "I AM NOT!" Kirito laughed with his arm crossed. "I'm just a very skilled player." I huffed. "Fine. What do you want me to do?" I asked him. "Go to the festival with me tomorrow~!" He stated. "But I don't wanna wear a kimono!!" I told him. "But (Y/n)~!" he looked at me with sad eyes. "Nope." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Besides, I don't even own one-" "I'll take you to buy one!" he stated, grinning. I pushed him but he grabbed me and was sent on top of me. He was staring down at me smirking. He had my arms pinned down beside me and I sqeaked lightly when he tightened his grip . Kirito was leaning down to my face when (f/n) opened the door. "(Y/-" she started but then looked to see Kirito pinning me down on the couch about to kiss me. "Did I interupt something~?" she asked with a grin on her face. We were both blushing. "Yes." Kirito told her. "No..." I said as he released his grip and sat back on the couch. "We were playing video games." I said, still blushing. (F/n) laughed when she saw the screen. "Got beat by Kirito, huh?" "Yep, and she lied to me too." he replied looking hurt. (F/n) giggled, "What did she do?" "I just told him that I didn't want to wear a kimono and that I don't have one to wear to the festival tomorrow night and he asked me to go with him, so yeah." I quickly explained. "And she told me that the loser of the race has to do something for winner and I offered to go buy a kimono with her~!!" Kirito told her. (F/n) grabbed my arm and smiled at him after she dragged me into the kitchen. "One second~!" she told him.

(F/n)'s POV~

       "You're going to be a girly-girl for one night!! Just one!!" I said to her. "But (f/-" (y/n) started. "Nope. Come on I'm taking you to buy a kimono!! And you are going to wear it to the festival." I stated. "..." she let out a defeated sigh and glared at me. Then she hesitantly nodded and I dragged her back into the living room. "Good news Kirito! (Y/n)'s coming with me to get a kimono!!" I told him and grinned. He grinned back at me, "Okay well, see you tomorrow at 10 (y/n)!" Kirito walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed slightly but hugged him bye and waved as he made him way out the door and walked, well ran, back to his house. Then I dragged (y/n) out the door and we went to buy a kimono.

~The Next Day- 9:58~

Your POV~

       "I WANT TO CHANGE!!" I moaned as I stared at myself in the mirror. The kimono I got was a bit higher than my knees. It was black with red roses as a design and had a white, think band that wrapped around my midsection and tied into a big bow in the back. The sleeves were long and droopy and had white lace on the bottom of the sleeves, and also at the bottom of the dress. I had put my hair up in a ponytail and had two long strands of hair and my bangs hang down and frame my face. And the worst part...I had on eyeliner and mascara.

         I heard a knock on the door at exactly 10 and made my way out of the room. When I got downstairs I saw my mom talking to Kirito and my sisters were staring at him. He had on his black button-up shirt and black jeans with a white tie. It was the same thing that he wore to the Christmas festival in SAO, but I still loved it. When he saw me, he double-taked and stared in awe, his mouth slightly opened. Everyone else looked at he and I felt my face grow hot. "You actually look like a girl~!!" Channing told me. I glared at her. "(Y/n) look amazing..." he told me, slightly blushing. My face grew hot again. " too!" I smiled at him. "Shall we?" he asked and held out his arm. "Yes, we shall." I giggled and wrapped my arm around his.

        When we got there, we met with Klein and (f/n). Klein stared at me for a while, making me uncomfortable. "Klein...?" I asked and waved my hand infront of his face. He still stared. "..." Kirito and (f/n) both punched him in the side and I started laughing as Kirito had his hand on his neck and (f/n) was yelling at Klein. "I'm hungry..." Kirito groaned and I giggled at him. We went over to a stand and bought some food. We went to sit on a bench and started to eat.

Kirito's POV~

        I was laughing with (y/n) when she reached her hand over to my face. She smiled as she leaned close and picked a piece of rice off of my face. 'She's so beautiful...' I thought and kissed her as she smiled. (Y/n) smiled and blushed. I chuckled at her and brought her over to a different stand. I told (y/n) to turn around.

Your POV~

        "Could I buy this, please?" I heard Kirito say. I really didn't want him to waste his money on me, though I still thought it was sweet. He put something around my neck and I looked down to see what it was. I giggled as I looked down to see a replica of the black key-shaped necklace he had given me in SAO. When I turned to thank him, I saw that he had a lock necklace around his neck that matched my own. "I still remember that day..." Kirito chuckled as he held the small key in his hand. I blushed furiously but laughed with him. I ruffled his dark hair. "You're my little pervert~!" I giggled. "I don't that's a good thing..." he chuckled and took my hand in his after kissing me on the cheek. It turns out, (f/n) was standing there the whole time and gave us a weird look. "What perverted acts went on that day?" she asked with her hand on her hips and leaned closer. "Did he walk in on you~?" she questioned. Our faces grew a bright red and (f/n) realized she had gotten it right. "Well anyways looks like the fireworks are about to start!" I said in a rushed voice.

         A few minutes later, we were looking up at the sky as the first firework flew up into the air. I felt Kirito squeeze my hand and smiled at him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and his soft lips locked with mine. (F/n) pulled out her phone and took a picture. "That's a keeper~!!" she giggled. I blushed and tryed to grab her phone away from her. "You know that I hate pictures!!" I yelled at her. Kirito took the phone and looked at it. "But (y/n), you look so cute~!" he smiled. My face grew even more red and he chuckled as he kissed me once more.

         The festival had ended and Kirito and I made our way back to my house. When we got to the door, he gave me something. It was a wind chime. The paper card dangling from it had hearts decorating it. There was a message written on the card in his hand-writing. It read:

        'Do you still remember when we first met? I'll never forget your blushing face the first time I layed my eyes on you. I was so happy that you had stayed with me and fought by my side. You always, and still, protected me when I was in trouble. You always made me smile, no matter what mood I was in. You always made the day worth living for. Thank you (Y/n). I love you. ~Forever by your side, Kirito'

       I stared down at the card and let a silent tear fall from my face. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" Kirito asked me, a concerned look on his face. I looked up, smiling. "I'm just happy that you're by my side." I told him. Our lips met, once again. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in tighter, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing our lips closer together. A slight breeze blew past and I heard the faint sound of bells chiming...

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