Chapter 2

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Your POV~

       As I opened the door, my little and big sister asked, "So, who's this Kirito boy?" Then Kirito walked in, holding my hand. "Oh, hi." he said. He had his hand on the back of his neck, blushing. I blushed too. My sisters just stood there, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. "This is Kirito." I told them. "And Kirito, this is my older sister, Channing and this is my younger sister, Tatum." He started laughing. "I know, I know. Channing Tatum...but that honestly was not who they were named after. He wasn't even popular when they were born!" I giggled. They were still staring at Kirito. "Well anyways...let's go to the kitchen." I told him. "I'll make you something to eat." I looked at Kirito and saw him fist-pump the air. "Finally, I get to taste your cooking again~!!" he exclaimed. "Again...?" Channing asked. "Yeah, in SAO I cooked for him all the time." I explained. "She was an amazing wife!" he said overjoyed. We looked at each other and blushed. "I wasn't susposed to mention that was I...?" Kirito asked. "WIFE?!" My sisters yelled in union. I punched Kirito lightly in the side and dragged him into the kitchen.

        I placed a sandwich in front of him. He took a bite. "This one is even better than in SAO!" he told me as he took a huge bite. I laughed at him and smiled. "I'm so happy you're with me again..." I said. He smiled.

        "Hey (y/n)...Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked me, pink dusting his cheeks. "YES-I mean...of course." I smiled at him. He chucked and kissed my cheek.

~The Next Day~

         It turns out, Kirito actually lives nine houses down from me. No one else is at home by the time I leave for school. So now he comes over in the morning and hangs out there while I get ready and make him breakfast. We were talking in my room the next day until I told him, "Get out." "Hmm?" he asked, confused. I smiled at him. "I have to change for school!" "But why do I have to get out for that?" he whined. "I already saw you in your bra and underwear in SAO~!!" My face grew hot. "I-I told you to forget about that!" I said, looking away. "Just...Get Out." I said as I glared at him. "Fine." "And don't you dare peek in, I don't want you to get another nose bleed~!!" I cooed. He huffed and walked out the door, closing it behind him. I was pulling up my skirt when I heard the door open. "PERVERT!" I shouted and slammed the door shut in his face. "Owww..." I heard Kirito moan.

           After I made breakfast and we ate, we headed out the door and made our way to school, hand in hand. We saw Klein and (f/n)  waiting for us and we ran to them. "KIRITO~!!" They shouted in union. I giggled as they hugged him and Kirito mouthed over to me 'Help...'. "When did you two find each other?" (F/n) asked. "Yesterday as I was heading home." I said. "What happened?" Klein questioned. "(Y/n) ran into me." Kirito said. "Literally." I added. We all laughed. "Just like the first day we all met, huh?" Klein chuckled. "So, what classes do you have?" he pulled out his schedule. It was my turn to smile, "We're in the same classes!" I told him. "Then how did we not see each other yesterday?" Kirito asked. I shrugged.

            When Kirito and I walked hand in hand into the classroom, people muttered "The Black Swords Couple..." "Is that what people called us? 'The Black Swords Couple'?" Kirito shrugged and we laughed as we sat down and had our second day of school.

           After school, we went back to my house. Today my mom was the one to greet us. "How was school?" my mom asked. Then once again, Kirito came into view, holding my hand. "Is this the boy that you mentioned yesterday?" "Hi, Mrs. (L/n). I'm Kirigaya Kazuto, but most people call me Kirito." he told her. "It's nice to meet you Kirito." My mom smiled. "You finally have a boyfriend~!" We started to blush. My mom just chucked. "I heard that you two were married in that game~." My face grew even hotter and Kirito put his hand on his neck. "Mom..." I said and walked into the kitchen to make Kirito his sandwich.

Kirito's POV~

        I was about to follow (Y/n) when her mom said, "I could hear her crying every night. She was in pain but I didn't know what to do. She rarely smiled after escaping SAO. I now know that she was lonely, her heart was in pain, she wanted to know that you were alive. When I came home yesterday, I was shocked when I saw her smiling, laughing and blushing when her sisters were asking about some boy that had come over. I'm happy that you finally found her...and saved her. I could never know what happened in those two years, but I can tell that you care for (y/n) and protected her. So, thank you for taking care of her and making her smile, Kirito." Her said and I nodded. "I'll protect (y/n) no matter what. Though...she was always the one to protect me." I told her.

        I walked into the kitchen and saw (y/n) smiling as she made me a sandwich. When she was done, she leaned over to me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Kirito." she whispered.

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