On Our Way

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Kirito's POV~

      After (y/n)'s wound was stitched up by the doctors, I stayed by her side not wanting to let go. Though ignoring my wish, they told me that I had to leave. I walked home slowly, thinking about (y/n) in Alfheim. 'Why would she get hurt if she's trapped...' I wondered. I gritted my teeth at the thought of someone purposely causing harm to her. With a new despiration, I started to run home.

       I opened the door and raced to my room. After putting the Nerve Gear on my head, I shouted: "Link Start" and entered the world.

(F/n)'s POV~

       After I got a text from Kirito, I rushed to enter Alfheim. As I entered, Dinni greeted me with a soft purr and crawled into my arms. Kirito was sitting at a table in the inn, waiting for me to log on. I sat down across from him and was about to saw something until I saw a faint shine coming down his cheek. I tilted my head in confusion. 'Why...is he crying...?' I thought. He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. "We have to save (y/n)...now." He told me, a serious look present on his face. Shocked, I asked, "Did something happen?" "You...you didn't know?" Kirito questioned quietly. Worry started to build up inside me. 'Did something happen to (y/n)...?' Kirito looked at me with true pity and I realized that I had thought right. Something had happened to her...But why didn't I know about it? "...If (y/n) gets hurt here on her virtual body...the same thing happens on her real body..." he told me slowly. "Yesterday, (y/n) was taken to a hospital. A cut appeared on her cheek and about a minute later, a deep gash was present on her left leg. The wound...It resembled the blade of a sword..." My eyes widened as he finished. "Is she..." I started. "Fortunately, the doctors stitched up the wound in time. But if someone here stabs something vital in her body..." he trailed off. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay..." I told him, more to convince myself. "We'll save her before that happens..." There was a moment of silence between us. I stood up and grabbed his wrist. "Come on, let's go get her~!" I said as I pulled Kirito out of his seat and we exited the inn.

         As we flew towards the World Tree, we saw a group of Cait Siths and Sylphs. It looked like they were discussing something. We flew down towards them and talked. After a while, Salamanders came and their 'leader' fought against Kirito. Obviously, Kirito won after slashing him and cutting his body in half, red pixels flying everywhere. I already knew he was win but as I watched, I couldn't help but grin as I thought, 'He really is serious about saving (y/n)...I'm glad she found someone that loves her this much...' After he won, the Cait Sith and Sylph leader tried to seduce him with their curvy, virtual bodies, trying to make him fight on their side. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away as Yui yelled at her 'papa'. I laughed as we flew away from them, heading to the World Tree once agian.

Your POV~

         The next day, Oberon and Asuna dragged me from the cage. Mainly because Asuna ran her rapier through my leg and all...They threw me into a plain, small room and locked the metal door behind them. The walls started shifting and I suddenly felt dizzy as I fell to the ground.

        When I opened my eyes again, I wasn't in the room anymore. I...I was in a shop. I opened the door and saw Kirito kissing Asuna. I screamed as the memory replayed over and over around me. The walls shifted again and I was standing in SAO. I was standing on a grassy field. I looked around until I saw two figures in the distance. Kirito was one but the other...was Asuna. I recognized the scene but Asuna wasn't there...I was only with Kirito. Scenes played, walls shifted, everything changing around me. My memories of Kirito and I swirled around me but they weren't my memories. Kirito was always with Asuna. I wasn't there at all...Kirito was laughing and kissing her, they were happy together. Yui called Asuna 'mama' and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. "Yui...Kirito!!" I yelled. I couldn't watch anymore. "KIRITO!!" I cried. I covered my eyes and fell to the ground. 'Let's get married...' I heard Kirito say. 'Okay...' but it wasn't my voice, it was her's. "PLEASE STOP!!" I screamed, falling to the ground. Kirito and Asuna's wedding was playing around me. They kissed and held each other close. The sound of my screams and sobs were the only thing keeping me sane.

        After what seemed like an eternity in hell, they finally entered the room and dragged my shuddering body back into the cage. I held myself on the bed, those scenes haunting me. "K...Kirito..." I whispered faintly.

         They continued to drag me into the room, the same memories playing around me. My sobs and cries were useless as they bounced of the walls and disappeared. "But...he promised..." I muttered. "He promised..." The only thing that kept me believing that the scenes were fake, the only thing keeping me from tearing into myself as the tears fell, was the comforting warmth of his hand holding mine and the faint whisper of his voice telling me that he loves me and and that he'll save me. Telling me...that they're on their way.

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