Warmth of the Heart

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Your POV~

     I smiled happily, my eyes sparkling as Kirito and I made our way into Lisbeth's shop. I stopped in the door way as I saw (f/n) sitting on the counter, talking and laughing with the pink-haired blacksmith. "(FF/NNN)~!!" I yelled, running past Kirito and giving (f/n) a hug. "(YY/NNN)~!!" She said hugging me back. Lisbeth and Kirito were smiling and laughing as they saw us hug each other. "Lisbeth, this is Kirito and (y/n)~!!" (f/n) told her, gesturing to me then at Kirito. I smiled and waved then looked at Kirito to see him looking around the shop. I punched him lightly in the side. "Owww..." he groaned looking at me, confused. I switched my eyes from him to Lisbeth, then he blushed and rubbed his neck. "Ohh...hi!" He finally said. We all laughed as Kirito's cheeks starting to turn red.

     "So what brings you two here?" Lisbeth asked. "We wanted to see if you could make us each a new sword." I told her. "Oh, this is my masterpiece~!" she said carrying over a beautiful sword and placing it in Kirito's hands. "A little bit on the light side..." he muttered. "Well I hope so, I made for speed purposes." Lisbeth replied smiling. 'She's about to get so mad." I mouthed to (f/n), making her giggle as she pointed over to Kirito. "Can I test it?" I heard him say. "Test it...?" Lisbeth asked as Kirito pulled his black sword, Elucidator, out of its scabbard that was behind his back. He yelled "Seya!" as he brought his glowing sword down with a flash. Sword met sword and the shop rattled. Lisbeth's masterpiece had been split cleanly down the middle and burst into pieces. "Aaaaaaagh!!" she screamed and pried the lower half of the sword out of his hands before it also burst into polygonal shards.

     Lisbeth looked up at Kirito, rage burning in her eyes. " What the hell was that?! You can't just go around breaking people's stuff!" She yelled as she grabbed Kirito by the collar of his shirt. (F/n) and I were trying so hard not to laugh but we couldn't hold it back anymore. Lisbeth glared at us then returned her gaze back to Kirito. "S-sorry! I didn't think your sword would break..." he muttered. "Meaning my sword was even weaker the you thought it would be?!" "Huh? Uh, um, well...yes." Lisbeth started yelling at Kirito more until we were all making our way to teleport to floor 55. "Since were all going to be in a party for a while you can call me Liz." she told us, arms crossed. "Fine, Liz." Kirito and I in union. I could hear (f/n) cracking up. "Argh!!"

      As we entered the fifty-fifth floor a chilling breeze rushed past us. I looked back and saw (f/n) and Lisbeth shivering. I handed (f/n) an extra coat I had while Kirito gave Lisbeth one of his. "Aren't you two cold?" Liz asked. "Unlike you, I have willpower!" Kirito and I said in sync, both of us had our arms crossed, smiling. We looked at each other and laughed.

        After we activated the quest and arrived at the place the dragon was susposed to be, we all looked around in awe at the beautiful, crystals that lined the snowy field. "Everyone, get your crystals out." Kirito told us. We all pulled out our blue teleport crystals. "Lisbeth, stay behind that crystal and don't come out until we say." I told her and pointed to a large sparkling crystal. She began to protest but quickly closed her mouth and ducked behind the crystal. We heard a loud screech and the large dragon flew into the sky, casting a large shadow upon us.

        We sliced the dragon until its remaining HP was just a red dot in the corner of it's health bar. "Kill it already!" Liz shouted at us, coming out from behind her hiding spot. "We told you to stay hidden until we said it was safe!!" Kirito yelled back at her. "Isn't it already over?" She asked. That's when the dragon flapped its wings, sending a blast of snow straight towards Lisbeth. She screamed as she fell down into the deep, dark pit. Kirito jumped down into the pit after her. After the snow cleared and the dragon was slain, (f/n) and I looked over the pit and I slipped in. 'CRAP!!' I thought as I fell.

Kirito's POV~

     After Liz and I fell into the pit and landed in the snow, I looked up to see (y/n) slip and fall in. I held out my arms as she came close and caught her bridal style. "Thanks..." she said blushing with embarrassment. I smiled at her and looked over to see (f/n) faceplant into the snow and create a deep, body-shaped hole. I looked at (y/n) and started laughing with her.

     We all filled up our health bars with potions and set out sleeping bags for everyone. Thankfully, (y/n) had made her amazingly delicious sandwiches and soup to go with it. After we ate, I layed back and placed my head on (y/n)'s lap. She started to blush. I lifted my hand and pulled a piece of her (h/c) hair. "oww..." she said and opened her (e/c) eyes to find herself leaning close to my face. I placed my hand on her neck, pulling her close and kissed her on the cheek. Her face grew red and she smiled at me. After smiling back at her, I looked over and saw Liz and (f/n) grinning at us.

Your POV~

      That night after we all got in our sleeping bags. I looked over and saw Kirito holding the hand of a sleeping Lisbeth. I smiled shyly at Kirito then went to sleep.

      When I woke up, Kirito was already digging. I got up and helped him until we found the metal we were looking for. Kirito threw Lisbeth and metal and told her that it was dragon poo. They started tossing it back and forth while I was laughing with (f/n). The dragon came and we jumped on top of it as Kirito stabbed it with his sword. We went flying into the air, Kirito holding my hand as we smiled at each other. He pulled me in and kissed me as the sun glittered on the snow below us.

---Floor 48: Lindarth---

      We arrived back in the town, Kirito turned to me, 'hot dog' in mouth and asked, "Whum fhum, (y/n)?". I nodded and laughed, dragging (f/n) and Lisbeth with me.

      When we entered the shop, Lisbeth finished our swords and told us that she would be our personal blacksmith from now on. We thanked as we were leaving, I fist-bumped (f/n) and we both walked out of the shop as they laughed and waved behind us.

     "Today was a pretty good day~!" I told Kirito, smiling. We both laughed as we recalled our most recent adventure, with our new shining swords resting on our backs.

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