Chapter one...Left behind

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I blinked open my eyes, pain swelling in my body, "Ow..." I groaned. "Hello? Hey!? Anyone? Steven??" I shouted. "Owch." I added as my shoulder scraped against the rocks pressing my body against the ground. I looked over at it. A large bruise was there. I scowled at it, "Great." I muttered to myself. "Hello? CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!?" I shouted, panic rising in me. He's not supposed to leave me! H-he's su-supposed to b-be my friend! WHERE IS HE!? My thoughts whirled, "Help me help me help me help me help me help me..." I breathed quietly. I wriggled, pushing upwards. I felt the rocks shift, and anticipation coursed through me; I was gonna be free! A sudden and unexpected pain lurched through my shoulder. I collapsed, the rocks hitting me down as I crumpled in pain, "Ow... I hissed between my teeth. I reached my arm to grab the rocks. I tried shoving them, but that only made my back hurt. I laid my head down, exhausted and defeated. "Why aren't they here yet...?" I murmured, feeling abandoned. I let myself cry into my hands; No one was coming for me... Just like Pinky... It wasn't fair... No one wanted to be my friend... But why? Was I doing it wrong? Was I supposed to get out myself? I thought friends helped friends! I THOUGHT I WAS SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR HIM! Then again, I also thought I was supposed to wait for Pink. Guess waiting never gets anyone anywhere. I closed my eyes and sat there silently.

I groaned as I was shaken. I wanted to sleep more... I jerked up with a cry of pain as my shoulder was pushed; Pain flashing through my nerves. "Spinel!" Steven exclaimed as I dragged myself away, glaring at him. "Uhm, Spinel?" He said quietly. I felt myself lurch down, so I instinctively grabbed the edge of whatever I was on. I relaxed as I realized what it was; A bed.

I blinked, "You... You didn't... Leave me?" I stammered.

He stared at me, concerned, "I would never abandon you!" He exclaimed.

I blinked, "I thought you weren't coming back for me...?" I whispered, "I-I was afraid you had forgotten about me..."

He smiled apologetically, "I... I had to help with a few things, I thought you had been at my house; When I got back, I saw you weren't, so I started looking for you." He explained.

I nodded as he spoke, "That wasn't very smart." I observed, giggling to make sure he knew it was a joke, "I'm always nearby if I can be!" I promised. He grinned. I also beamed at him, relieved that he hadn't forgotten me, and glad that he cared.

I sat next to the window, leaning my head against the cold glass. "You okay?" Lapis asked from the doorway.

"Yeah." I said quietly. "It's just, I've done so many horrible things here... What if no one else likes me? Wh-what if they all blame me...?" I asked.

Lapis looked away, "Well, we like you." She said before briskly turning away and walking out of my room. I sighed and stood; my nervous excitement was bubbling up. I was going to find out if they didn't like me. I picked up the Rejuvenator and picked up Steven's backpack. I shoved the Rejuvenator into the pockets on the side of the backpack. I opened the door and stepped out into the cold night air, breathing it in and sighing. Steven would tell me it's okay, and I don't know what the others would say... I jumped down the last few steps, feeling my childish love for games bubbling in.

No! I told myself sternly, No games! I kept walking, letting myself bounce a little to cage the excitement easier. I walked into the town, looking at all the wreckage. I frowned; This wasn't right... There were still people out here. I shrugged, guessing that they were doing it because they had to get a lot done. Because of me... I reminded myself. I looked around and saw a few kids, probably teens, struggling to pick up a large fallen beam. I started towards them, "N-need some help?" I offered. They looked at me, recognition rippling through their features, followed by a cold, wary air around them. I looked away, "I know what you're thinking, but I-I swear I've changed! I'm trying to, a-at least..."

They continued to stare, "Sure, we could use a hand!" One of them said. The others nodded, murmuring in agreement. I grinned, happy to at least be accepted by them.

I walked into the house, beaming, at about 12:00 at night. Steven noticed me, "Where were you?" He asked, concern thick in his voice.

"I was out in the town helping!" I answered brightly.

He smiled, "Really? H-how was it?" He asked. I was guessing he thought the same thing I did; He thought that I had gotten a lot of glares.

"Great!" I answered.

"Spinel..." He muttered.

"I'm not lying!" I protested, "I was hanging out with a group of kids! They let me help them!"

He smiled, "See? They don't hate you!"

I blushed, flustered by his comment, "N-not everyone's gonna like me..." I muttered. He still smiled. I smiled back and walked to my room. As I sat down, I felt fatigue set in.

"Spinel?" Asked an unfamiliar voice. I jerked up, my gaze flashing to the source of the voice. No one was there.

"Hello? Hey, Steven? Pearl? Amethyst? Guys?" I called. I leapt off the bed, landing on my feet, and began walking into the kitchen.

"...She's really something, but is it safe?" I heard Pearl ask. I hid, eavesdropping.

"Pearl, she needs a friend! She's built to be a friend!" Steven protested.

I could almost feel Pearl rolling her eyes, "She's not... Stable... Yesterday, when she left for the night, I found the Rejuvenator in the backpack she had." I bit my lip; I didn't know she had seen it.

"The Rejuvenator? But I broke it!" Steven objected.

"Obviously she's got another one!" Pearl snapped. I backed away; They wanted to get rid of me... I turned away and ran upstairs into my room. I quietly opened the window and balanced on the windowsill. I glanced back, frowning.

"If they don't want me," I told myself, "then they don't get me!" I finished, leaping out the window and onto the grass below. I slid away into the town.

I crept back, looking through the window to see if they were asleep. I slunk in through the unlocked door quietly and slipped inside. I bent over and grabbed the Rejuvenator out of the backpack and slunk out, locking the door behind me. I looked back and scowled; They wouldn't need it anymore... Not now...

I looked up, exhausted. Where even am I? I should've thought this through... I thought. I knew they were looking for me, but I couldn't look for them... I was tired... Hungry... Everything bad!

"Spinel? Spinel?" I looked for the source of the voice; but got no results out of it.

"Steven?" I murmured.

"Spinel? Spinel!" He gasped, "Spinel! It's okay! C'mon!" He probed, "Spinel?" I didn't feel like standing up; My shoulder ached, and I felt tired.

"I... I don't wanna go back." I lied.

"W-Waddya mean?" He asked. I stood up and walked over to him, unsteady.

"I-I..." I hugged him, holding myself up.

"Sp-spinel!? SPINEL!?" He gasped. He fell, startled by my "attack."

I clung to him, "I-I'm sorry!" I sobbed, "I-I-I heard you a-and Pearl talking a-and I-I... I'M SORRY! I'm so, so sorry..."

He patted my head, grinning reassuringly, "It's okay, Spinel, it's okay!" He said.

I walked in, feeling my hand tightly close around the Rejuvenator; Steven still had no idea that I had it. I had a sudden urge to use it, but I bit it down. I looked down as the others glared at me, or at least Pearl. I glanced away, silent.

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