Chapter two...Real friends

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          As they tried to comfort me, I let myself relax. I waited until I was alone with Pearl. I knew I needed to strike. Pearl wanted me gone, the others probably did too. I sighed sadly; this would take a huge toll on my reputation. I glanced at her, thinking. She ignored me, irritated. I reached behind me and quietly grabbed the Rejuvenator. Pearl turned to look at me as I whipped it out and turned it on. She gasped and took her spear out of the stone on her head. I grinned and lunged at her when I heard a shout that knocked me off balance, "Spinel!?"

I crashed to the ground and sat up quickly, "St-Steven??" I exclaimed. He was staring at me, his shield on his arm. I backed away, "Y-you were h-helping the t-town I-I thought!?" I stammered.

He narrowed his eyes, "I came to ask Pearl something, now I think the answer is obvious." He snarled.

I inhaled sharply, "Y-y-you were g-gonna l-l-leave me!?" I asked, mortified.

"No, Spinel, he is gonna leave you." Pearl said coldly.

"What!? WHY!? I-I-I'm s-s-sorry!" I spluttered, "DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Pearl glared at me, "Then we'll turn you back you witch! Or do you want us to shatter you!?"

That made me frown, "So you're gonna hurt me?" I hissed icily, "So you're gonna turn on me?"

I backed towards the door as Pearl advanced, "Then leave!" She growled. I blinked away tears and ran out the door. They watched me, and as I glanced back, I saw a prick of regret in Steven's face.

I don't care! THEY HATE ME! I told myself, They hate me... I thought as I sat down. I was in a small clearing that reminded me of the garden.

"Gah! I'm here now!" A strange voice said loudly. I whirled around, reaching for the Rejuvenator.

I left it!? I realized. Standing in front of me was a girl with white skin, black hair, and violet eyes.

She stared at me, "What're you?" She asked.

"Obby! That's a Spinel!" Another voice exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" I hissed, "I am Spinel, not a Spinel. Just Spinel." A boy with the same dark hair and purple eyes and pale skin. I looked up at them, "Wh-what're you doing here anyways?" I asked.

"We wanted to come to Earth!" The boy exclaimed.

I stared at him, "I did too, and look at me..." I muttered, "They hate me, I hate me, YOU'LL PROBABLY END UP HATING ME TOO!" I wailed.

The girl crouched down beside me, "It's okay..." She whispered. "Why're you alone? Aren't you supposed to be someone's friend? Why are you so dark? Why's your heart upside down?"

I looked away, "My friend didn't want to play with me anymore, so she told me to wait. I waited for a long time, and then I came here after I found out my playmate was... Gone. I did things that were bad, and I-I got mad again and I tried to hurt someone, and my new friend hates me now." I explained.

"How long did you wait?" The boy asked.

"Six-thousand years." I whispered.

They gasped, "Six-thousand??" The boy said, aghast. I nodded. "Well, I'm Mike-don't-mind-my-name-and this is Obsidian. She likes to be called Obby."

Obby glared at Mike, "I also like to speak for myself!" She snapped.

I flipped onto my hands, "Eh, it's nothing. I could do that standing on my hands!" I exclaimed, "but hi Mike-don't-mind-my-name and Obby!" Mike giggled, and Obby fought back a smile. I grinned; They enjoyed me.

I sat on a rock, waiting. They came here every day. I just had to wait for them. This time, however, was different. They weren't here yet, and the sun was setting. Were they not gonna come? If not, why? I sighed and slumped in disappointment. They always loved me, why leave me alone today? "Spinel!" Obby called.

I spun around, "WHERE WERE YOU!" I shouted.

"Wh-what??" Obby exclaimed, "W-Waddya mean?" She asked.

"You guys were late! I-I-I thought you weren't coming back! I thought I was gonna be alone!" I wailed every word, filling them with my pain. Obby put a hand on my shoulder and hugged me. I suddenly shoved her away, shouting in agony, "OW! CRAP! Owww..." I yelled, caressing my injured shoulder.

She stared at me in concern, "Spinel?"

I looked at her, "I...I injured my arm..." I muttered.

She blinked, "Sorry." She said.

"It's okay." I whispered.

"Spinel? Spinel, I'm sorry! Pearl didn't mean what she said! Please come back!" I heard Steven.

I backed away, "No." I hissed, turning to run.

Obby grabbed me, "Who is he!?" She asked me fiercely.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, punching her and running.


I tripped and fell, curling up in a ball, "GO AWAY!" I shouted back.

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