Chapter twenty...And then there was peace

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I pat Obby's shoulder, feeling awkwardly awkward. "He'll come back...?" I assured her.

"Spinel, do you really believe that? Are you asking me, or are you telling me?" Obby snapped. I flinched, nervous.

"That little dung head stole my steak!" Connor complained. I scowled at him, annoyed.

"Quiet! Can't you see I'm trying to help her!?" I protested. "Now," I said, turning to Obsidian. "He'll have to come back, e-eventually." I stuttered. Obby grimaced.

"Yeah, sure." Obby muttered.

"Let's eat!" Connor said joyfully.

After a large, very large, meal, we all kinda just sat in our separate rooms. That was until I saw large clouds gathering in the sky. I sat up, alert. The entire scene was way too familiar. I stood, terrified. Steven looked up, startled by my sudden movement. "Spinel?" He asked

"Someone's here." I said. I didn't know why he was suddenly here.


"I-I-I don't know I-I have no idea, I-"

"You do know." He said, the realization seemed to shake him.

"Yes." I said, my voice choked and tight, "I do..." I knew all too well... Maybe not who... But I did know what... The large capsule came through the dark clouds, the pink substance inside scared me more than anything. It opened up, and plunged a large drill into the hillside...

I sat up, breathing hard. Just a dream... Spinel, it's okay. I'm okay... I told myself, standing up and smelling Connor's cooking and grinning. I strode towards the desk in my room, which was now accompanied by pictures of all of us and a dresser full of different costumes that we would all put on as a joke. I opened it and stroked a long silk scarf, my eyes tracing the fabric. I gently nudged it out of the way and picked up a dark and rough box. I grinned, opening it as I had opened Steven's gift months ago. Inside was a cracked opal gem. I don't know why I kept them and taped them together, but I did. I stroked the shell necklace I had resting on my chest.

"Spinel?" I heard Steven call. I looked up, shoving the box into its hiding place.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Come eat!" He replied.

"Okay!" I said. I reached out the window and scratched Mike's ear before watching him run off to his friend. The other wolf was a cocoa brown, and I grinned as he fell over and got mud spattered on his dark coat. I giggled and went downstairs. "Hey Steven." I said coolly.

"Hi Spinel!" He said. I smiled, glad.

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