Chapter nine...Don't lie to yourself

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People are cute. Humans, I mean. Also, hybrids. And gems, for that matter. They all struggle and cry and scream and lie and cry and cry and cry and cry even more. However, they also betray each other, so that's helpful. Spinel was simple. Steven was too easy. Milo was meh. Obby was pathetic, but fun, nonetheless. "Wittle bitty Spinel all tied up you wittle bay-bay boo-boo." I cooed spitefully.

"You... Monster..." Spinel seethed.

"Screw you!" I hissed back.

"You're lucky I can't pummel you." She snarled.

"'You're lucky I can't pummel you'. Did little hero tell you that." I mocked, using Topaz's nickname for Steven. She was silent, anger flowing off of her in waves of hate.

"Spinel," Steven warned, "chill."


"Look at the little couple, fighting already?" I jeered.

"Stay out of this!" They said together.

"You need to stop with this whole 'I'm suddenly angry' crap, Spinel!" Steven said harshly.

"You need to stop getting in my way!" Spinel shot back.

"You're the one they're after so it's something you did!" Steven pointed out.

"I wouldn't have done anything if your mistake of a mother hadn't left me on a floating island for six-thousand years!"

"Well I have nothing to do with that!"

"You're the one who wants to help me so much!"

"If you're so set on dragging me into trouble, I might just rethink that!"

"Do it then!"

"I will! After this, you're on your own!"

"SHUT UP!!" I shout, annoyed by their quarreling. They fall silent, and Spinel turns away, tears brimming and threatening to spill out on her. I roll my eyes.

"Spinel...?" Steven whispered. The pink gem was silent, glaring at the stone wall.

"Way to go." I commented sarcastically. Then again, I want them mad at each other, so yes, way to go indeed.

"You leave him alone and stay outta this." Spinel growled.

"Me? Oh no, no, no, no, no. I've got to watch this. I've never seen you and little hero fight."

"LEAVE STEVEN ALONE!!" She yelled, "Just do one thing for me and let him go!"

"Why? What do I get?" I asked, intrigued.

"I'll go without a fight." She said. I bit my lower lip, it sure as heck was tempting, but he could always go and get the other crystal gems, so I was up for a little more bargaining.

"What else?" I probed.

"I'll go without a fight, Steven won't try to save me, and I'll help you with anything as long as he's not hurt." She spoke the second condition softly.

"So, I'm up for it," I began, hushing my voice because this could be good as long as Steven didn't hear, "but how will you keep him from attacking?"

"Watch and learn." She instructed, a long and devious grin spreading across her face. She shot a glare at Steven and sighed.

"Spinel, look, I-I'm-"

"Don't apologize." Spinel said huskily, cutting Steven off.


"I SAID DON'T APOLOGIZE! YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME AND YOU HONESTLY DON'T NEED ME!! YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T GONNA HELP ME, SO DON'T HELP ME!!" She shouted. He flinched, but he didn't let the pity and worry slip from his expression. Spinel noticed that, "JUST STOP! YOU'RE AS BAD AS YOUR MOM! IF NOT WORSE! I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!" That must've hit him hard because he sat there, stunned. Then he took on a new face, this one looked hurt and angry, like a child who'd been told they couldn't play with their friends.

".........Fine..." He said quietly. I grinned and laughed; I always loved a good show.

That night, Spinel helped me put him in his house, and she seemed upset. I felt the pity rising inside me, but I forced it down. Azzy wasn't my name anymore. I had to be Topaz. Topaz was gone now, so I had to take her place. I must take her place. I must.


I blinked awake to see my familiar ceiling, wall, bed... Something was missing, but I ignored it and went downstairs. "Steven!?" Pearl exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"Y-you were gone!" She said. I stepped back as I remembered all the events of the previous night and how Spinel had insulted me to the point of comparing me to my mother. To Pink Diamond, Rose Quartz! The person she hated the most! I looked away.

"J-just don't worry about it. Honestly, I-I don't know why I'm back. I never left..." That hit me like a blow from a belt;

"Back," She said, "to the place I never left..." That's what Spinel had said before introducing me to the garden.

"Steven?" Pearl asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh yeah hi uhm yeah uhm..." I trail off at her worried expression. "Sorry..." I mutter.

"It's fine, but we need to get Spinel back."

"Why?" I ask coldly, a vile anger like a bitter food bloomed inside me at the mention of her name.

"Well, she's one of us now, right?"

"Is she?"

"Also, the other gems are getting restless, they are afraid she might be plotting something with Topaz."



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