Chapter seventeen...Here we are in the future, this is wrong

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          I sat up, sleepy. Looking down, I realized someone must've put me in bed, because I was, indeed, in bed. "Wow." I said. I don't even know why. I just said it.

"Hey, sleepyhead." The familiar face and voice jolted me, making my muscles go stiff and my sleepy, bent posture to straighten. Topaz, not Azzy, was standing in front of me.

"B-but I killed you!?" I gasped, but I knew that was a lie. I didn't shatter her, so I left her to remember anything she pleased. She grinned innocently, though there was nothing innocent about her spiteful stare.

"No, Pinky, you didn't." She hissed; her voice made her innocent smile even less innocent. Her lips were pulled back at the corners, making her smile look more like a grimace of pain.

"Spinel?" Obby called up the stairs. Topaz ignored her. "Spinel? Steven's here to see you!"

"Obsidian!?" I yelled, "Obby, help me!"

"What's wrong...?" she asked, trailing off as she saw Topaz. Her expression looked, for one, like Topaz was raiding her diary or something, but otherwise looked furious. I have no idea why she looked like her privacy was being invaded, but I shrugged it off; I didn't have time for that. She crouched down, and a loud flash revealed a huge black wolf lunging at Topaz. I cringed back, not wanting to be shredded. Topaz must've had some common sense because she too dodged the snarling canine. Obsidian whirled around, still snarling wildly, and leapt again. This time, however, Topaz pulled a long black staff out of the large topaz gem on her cheek. I realized, horribly, that the skin around the gem had veins, black and thick, and was horridly swollen. She turned on me and wacked me in the head with her staff. I'm gonna say that it hurt about as much as getting hit by old, stale bread with a metal bar in it being used by a medium-sized muscle man. I fell off the bed, feeling slightly dejected at the fact that she had put me in the bed just to beat me until I fell out. I looked up at her, reproachful. She stared back, but only a millisecond passed before Obby was back, her paws outstretched to slice anything in the nearest radius of her. She hit Topaz and they rolled around until Topaz hit Obby. It must've hurt a lot worse to get hit in the ribs, because Obby crumpled and dragged herself away, growling. Topaz approached her, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I raced to the opposite side of the room, raised my desk chair above me, and brought it smashing down on Topaz. I followed that up by snatching her staff and slamming it into her gem

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