Chapter eighteen...And then there was peace??

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          I was breathing hard and fast; Steven was holding my shoulder. Topaz was on the ground, a huge crater in her left cheek where her gem had been. She was dead, finally. Gem shards her scattered around the room, and Obby was gleefully sweeping them up like they didn't belong to a gem that'd tried to murder her. I fell to my knees, "That was close." I admitted.

"Yeah." They both agreed. We all sat in silence for a moment. I looked away and approached Steven.

"How about we have a sleepover at...Uhm, a-at Home?" I stuttered, shooting a swift scowl at Topaz's body. Steven's grin widened.

"Sure! I-I mean of course!" He answered uneasily.

(sorry for such a short chapter!! :(

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