Chapter nine...Did we really just-!?

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"A lot of parents would get mad at me for this," I began, feeling queasy, "But I think we forgot about Mikey...?" Spinel sighed.

"I...I think I know where he is..." She muttered.

"Where?" Asked Steven.

"He is a wolf as well, correct?" Spinel asked.

"Y-yeah..." I said softly, feeling dread creep up on me.

"He's in a pack. Luminous pack to be exact." I felt my body relax. Their pack leader wasn't cruel, but he was strict. He would keep my little brother in place until he decided to go make his own pack.

If... A voice in my head told me, He's not just gonna go do what mom wants...

MIKE'S POV (yeah, you're gonna see him again :/

I was so excited! I nudged my friend, Ona, and she looked up from the rabbit she was maiming. "Yeah?" He said.

"It's gonna start!" I yelped in joy, my tail spasming in glee.

"Okay, okay." Ona sniggered, pinning my tail down, "But what'll we try 'n catch first?" She asked.

"I," I paused, "I dunno..." I admitted quietly.

"Air-head!" She laughed, cuffing my ear with her paw affectionately.

"Tiny!" I countered, bunching up my muscles and leaping in a playful tackle. We rolled around, until...

"Pups!" My "mother" said sternly. Me and Ona scrambled to our paws.

"Yes mother!" We said in unison. Ona snickered under her breath. I joined in until we were laughing uncontrollably. My mom sighed as the leader called us all up. He assigned me and Ona to trainer number two, Dawn. We were in a class with Lark and Cody. Lark looked over at me and muttered something to Cody. They shared a simple laugh of malice. I whimpered softly.

"Mikey?" Ona whispered. I whimpered again, backing up with my tail tucked between my legs. I turned around and sprinted away. Ona didn't try to stop me; I did this a lot. The other pups didn't like me cuz I was part gem. I stopped at the edge of the forest. Obby was playing what I think was tennis with Spinel. Steven was sitting near Connor, and Connor was making a bunch of different foods. I licked my chops; I hadn't eaten yet. I looked away, embarrassed by my idea, but I went with it either way. I lunged, snatching a large chunk of meat, I've no idea what kind, and took off. I made it a few feet before Connor grabbed my tail.

"Hey you!" He shouted. I turned to stare at him.

"Connor..." I said silently. He just froze, and I used that opening to escape. I ran, not listening to his voice calling me back. I'm sorry...

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