Chapter fifteen..."It hurts!"

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I stared at Obby, blinking. The sound behind me was deafening, and I felt trapped as I had almost a year ago when the Injector exploded, leaving me held underneath rocks and dirt. "Steven?" I muttered, not able to see in the darkness.

"Sp-spinel!?" Steven gasped, "A-are you okay!?"

"Y-yeah... Wait where's Opal!?" I gasped, trying to sit up.

"Spinel! Stop moving!" Steven yelled. I dropped down, letting the painful weight crush me.

"Wh-where is she?" I asked, grunting in pain.

"I...I dunno." He said quietly.

"Opal!? Opal!!" I shouted.

"Here I am!" A small voice answered. I could just barely make out the shape of a short gem standing in front of me. Standing? She's standing!

"Opal? C-can you help us??" I asked desperately.

"Uhm, yeah, of course. How can I help?" She replied.

"Uhm," I looked around, my brow furrowed in concentration; I couldn't see a thing in this darkness, "Try breaking something!" I suggested.

"Uh, Spinel?" Steven said softly, but I ignored him.

"U-uhm, okay...?" Opal said uncertainly. She slid her scythe out of the case and let it fully extend. Then, as me and Steven watched in awe, she brought it swinging into the boulders.

"Spinel!?" Steven gasped as rocks collapsed all around us. Opal was silent. I pulled myself out of the debris and grabbed Steven's hand, pulling him out as well.

"Opal?" I asked, my heart was pounding as I searched for her. I finally found her through the falling rocks. "Opal!" I shouted, running towards her, "C'mon! I think I can get us outta he-" I halted so fast Steven bumped into me, Opal had her scythe positioned in front of me.

"Don't. Move." She said stiffly.

"Opal?" I asked, my heart began pounding again.

"I know who you are, I know what you did." She said sadly, her voice husky and tight.

"I do too, Opal, and I'm sorry... I loved you and cared about you... Let me be different from Pink, let me make it right." My voice cracked on the last word, but Opal lowered her weapon all the same.

"I'm sorry too..." She said, "I-I didn't mean to be so cruel and mean and, and-!" She smiled at me; her grin seemed to light up her entire face. I smiled back at her, but our happiness was short-lived. I heard a deafening crack and turned to see rocks crumbling from the roof of our "cave"

"Steven, Opal, let's go!" I shouted as light poured in from the hole in the roof. I grabbed Steven and reached for Opal, but I never reached her. I shouted as the rocks crushed her. "Opal!? Opal!!" I screamed, gently placing Steven on the ground outside. I jumped into the rubble. "Opal?" I whispered. I started gently digging through the rubble, not paying attention to Steven as he approached me. "Opal?" I said, my voice getting desperate, "Opal!? Opal, please!! Opal!" I screamed, not stopping, not caring, not wanting anything but my old friend.

"Spinel?" Steven whispered. I didn't listen as I began to panic. I threw the rocks aside, screaming her name in anger and frustration.

"Opal!!" I yelled.

"Spinel...?" Came a weak reply.

"Opal!? Opal!!" I yelled, dropping to my knees to face her. She was on her stomach, her eyes dull and full of fear.

"I don't wanna die..." She whispered.

"You're not gonna die, Opal, I swear. Uhm, I-I think this-" I pulled out a small sheet, "Should help you with your wounds and if your gem cracked, we can help with-"

"Spinel." She said harshly, "My gem didn't crack but-"

"Great." I interrupted her, "Then all we have to worry about is-" I feel a stone bounce off my face. "Opal?" I whispered, looking down instinctively at the rock she tossed at me. It was white and smooth, splattered with pastel colors. It was a shard of her gem. I looked around and, to my horror, saw millions more. "No, no, no, no... No!" I screamed, "W-we can put them back, right!? Yeah, I-I won't let you die I-I can't!"

"Spinel..." Steven said gravely.

"Don't give me that tone!" I protested, "L-let me help her I-"

"Spinel, she's gone..." He said quietly.

"No, no... No! No!! Opal!" I grabbed, her hugging her as tears streamed down my face, "Opal..." My voice cracked and became a whisper.

"Sp-spinel... It's okay."

"No!" I shouted.

"Spinel?" He persisted.

"It hurts!"

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