Chapter thirteen...Moral support

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I stared at the little pink gem, grinning. She had her back turned to me and was saying something to Obsidian. She looked indignant, so I guessed she didn't enjoy the ending of whatever show or movie they were watching. I heard a muffled laugh behind me. "Want something, Milo?" I said automatically.

"No, but it's cute how close of an eye you're keeping on her." The dark haired gem replied.

"I'm watching the pink one." I pointed out.

"Still, cute." He repeated. His black eyes were kind and pitying. His entire expression, however, changed as Spinel yelled something.

"Milo!? Connor!?"

"Wait here." He told me. I watched him jump down, his face was pasted with an irritated expression.

"Kay!" I yelled. I waited, but he didn't come back. I lept down, landing neatly on my toes. I began to run towards the house.

"...Now he's gone!" Spinel finished as I stepped in. She looked surprised.

"Long time no see...?" I offered. She broke into a grin, which startled me.

"Long time no see." She agreed. I beamed at her, but looked over at Milo, my expression hardening.

"What's up?" I asked as casually as possible; My thoughts were whirling.

"Mike's gone." He said stiffly.

"Yeah!" Spinel burst, "He was gonna get some popcorn and then... POOF! He's gone!"

"Okay, Spinel, I get that." I said sternly, hearing her childish nature break through, "But why?"

"Opal." Spinel said, her face falling.

"Oh... Where is she now?" I asked.

"Right here!" A cheery, soprano voice answered. "Did you meet my BFF?? Her name's Spinel and she's awesome!!"

"What the heck!?" I gasped.

"Connor rejuvenated her." Spinel said remorsefully.

"Oh," I said, "That was dumb."

"Tell me about it." She agreed, suddenly looking annoyed.

"What's wrong, Spinel?" Opal asked, her grin wide and supportive.

"Uhm," Spinel looked at her, seemingly debating between breaking her heart and simply playing along. "I'm fine, Opal." She said quietly.

"Oh, okie dokie!" She said, then she bounded outside and crouched down, tugging at the blades of grass. Spinel sighed.

"She's a handful." I said.

"Yeah." Spinel said.

"Y'know who she reminds me of?" I asked, wary of making Spinel upset.

"Who?" She asked.

"You." I answered. She looked confused. "She was left behind, she got upset, she got rejuvenated, and now she's childish and, slightly, annoying." I explained. Spinel's face lit up with recognition.

"Yeah," She agreed reluctantly, "You're... right?" She said uncertainly.

"Hey! Guys! We still don't have Mike!" Obsidian said.

"We can ask-" Spinel cut off, "N-nevermind..."

"What?" I prompted.

"Nothing..." she said.

"C'mon, Spinel!" I said encouragingly. She looked away.

"I'll go look!" she said suddenly, racing out the door.

"Okay? Bye?" I said.

"She's got a screw loose." Connor said from the kitchen.

"She sure does." I agreed.

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