Chapter fourteen...Stressed

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"It's fine, Pearl, I'm just gonna hang out with Connie." I said to Pearl, who was giving me the stink eye.

"Yeah, but what about your little bout of sadness?" She persisted.

"Well, I'll have to get over it. I'm not gonna get anywhere if I just sit around." I said.

"You're acting weird." She commented, but, left it alone.

"Uhm, bye Pearl." I said, walking out the door.

"Steven!!" Connie yelled. I jumped in surprise.

"Ah!?" I gasped.

"What d'you mean you're gonna hang out with me? I didn't agree to...That..." She trailed off. I looked at her.

"Connie? Hello, Connie?" I asked. A loud, nervous laugh sounded behind me. I turned around to see Spinel smiling nervously as Opal clung to her leg.

"Hey Steven." She said. I blinked, startled, as a large black wolf came from behind her.

"Spinel?" I asked.

"That's me..." She said softly. Opal sat up, letting go of Spinel.

"I see you've met my friend, stranger, she's really nice and sweet and kind and-"

"Opal." Spinel interrupted.

"Yes?" She replied, stretching out the s sound.

"Please be quiet." Spinel begged. Opal nodded and made a zipper motion on her lips, grinning as she did.

"Why're you here?" Asked Connie.

"Because of this little brat." She said, gesturing to Opal. "Oh! Before I forget, this wolf is Obby." She said. The black wolf growled.

"We need my brother!" Her voice snarled in my head as a loud echo, her hackles raised. Her voice was rumbly, but not deep. It did sound like Obby. Wolf-Obby growled again. Spinel glanced at Obby and back at me. Opal grinned broadly; her eyes glowing.

"So is Spinel your girlfriend?" Opal asked innocently. I felt heat rising rapidly in my cheeks.

"Wh-what!?" I exclaimed, blushing.

"Opal!?" Spinel screeched, jerking away as if the small gem had smacked her.

"What? Are you?" She persisted.

"No! Never ever ever ever ever!!" Spinel protested, cringing.

"Never ever?" A voice teased from behind me.

"Why do you people keep sneaking up on me!?" I complain as I flinch. Connor is standing a few feet away from me, his grin wide and taunting.

"N-no..." Spinel murmured.

"Really?" Obby growled, laughter dancing in her eyes.

"R-really." I assured them, "We're just friends."

"Mmhm." Connor grunted disbelievingly.

"Yeah!" Spinel insisted, "Just frie-" A loud shout cut her off.

"Obby? Sissy!? I'm scared!!" It shouted.

"Mike!?" Obby shouted silently, "Mike!!" She began running faster than any of us could, racing past all of us without stopping. I felt like I could hear her heart racing as she ran and ran and ran. I just stood and watched her as a loud bang sounded behind us.

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