Chapter sixteen...What we'd Forgive to Forget

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I sprinted, growling, through my teeth. I had heard a diversion sound and then a bang, so now I had to find Spinel and Steven. I had run as hard and fast as I could, so I was kinda far. I didn't have as much energy, so I was delayed. I paused for a breath as a familiar high-pitched yell rang out in the distance. "It hurts!" My mind suddenly clicked, and I began to run.

"Spinel?" I asked silently. "Are you okay?" No reply came, so I stretched my thoughts into hers. Terrible images of dead flowers, a pink projector with Steven speaking, Pink Diamond walking away, and... I stopped in my tracks, my body rigid, "She died?" I asked, bursting out of the undergrowth.

"Obby?" Spinel said quietly. It was actually so quiet that I doubted Steven, who was beside her, could hardly hear it.

"Spinel, it's okay..." I said quietly.

"No, it's not." She hissed. I looked away, feeling ashamed to have brought it up. She turned away and began to walk away.

"Spinel?" I asked one last time.

"I don't feel okay..." She admitted quietly before disappearing into the brush. My entire face burned as I blushed under my fur, embarrassment welling in my heart. I began to run in the other direction, stopped, and turned back

"You're upset...?" A voice murmured behind me.

"Y-yeah..." I said, "I-I'm sorry, d-did I-" I cut off, staring at my younger brother, "Mike," I growled, irritated, "What the heck!? We've been looking for you, and you just decide to show up!?" I snarled. He stared at me, his calm face only upset me more, "Stop acting like it's fine!!" I roared, leaping at him. I simply passed through him, falling to my side and whimpering unnoticeably. I pushed myself to my paws, but he was gone.


I snarled as he lunged, his furry face scrunched up in forced fury. I dodged his blow and landed unsteadily. I struggled to regain my balance, but he lunged again, and I fell to the ground. He was my alpha, Morro. Heh, more like moron. I stood up and shook the dirt out of my fur as he backed away. "That's no fair!" I whined.

"Your enemy won't care if it's fair." Morro hissed.

"Mmm, true..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He insisted.

"You're right!" I shouted. He was suddenly on top of me, pinning me down.

"Do not yell at your alpha." He snarled.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." I said quickly.

"That's what I thought." He growled.


"No!" I said stubbornly.

"C'mon, Spinel!" Steven complained; He was really annoying sometimes.

"No." I repeated. He groaned.

"Just this once?" He begged.

 "No!" I said for the third time.

"Spinel! It's just one day!" He probed. It felt like my insides were caving in, I didn't feel happy at all, definitely not happy enough to come to Home. I clutched the phone, feeling the tears well up. I wasn't close to Opal, but I had a chance and I screwed it up. The one time she needed me, I left. The second time she needed me, I let her die.

Of course, you did. A small voice told me.

"Spinel?" Steven asked. I tightened my grip on the phone and realized I was making small sniffling noises. "A-are you okay?" Steven asked.

"Yes." I whimpered, not sounding very believable.

"Spi-" His voice was cut short by a beep that signaled an ended call.

"You can't hide forever." Milo commented.

I sighed, "I-I know..." I walked upstairs the empty room I called home. I strode towards my desk, the only other piece of furniture other than my currently unused bed, and picked up the small wooden box. It was made of birch and was white. I drew my fingers along the smooth surface before opening it. Inside was the small, two piece necklace Steven had given me. I unhooked it and put it on, feeling a feeble smile, not enough to be noticed, tickle the edge of my lips. I wanted to redeem myself, to fix all the wrongs I had caused and help people, like myself, forget. But things like that aren't easy to forget.

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