Chapter three...Criminal means

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          I struggled, "Let me go!" I shouted.

"Knock her out!" Obby shouted. I had just enough time to look at Pearl as she hit me.

I woke up in a cell, "Hello?" I asked.

"Spinel? A-are you okay? I-I'm really sorry for what Pearl said a-and-"

"Steven," I interrupted, "It's okay." He blinked, surprised.

"Spinel?" He worried.

"I SAID IT'S OKAY!" I shouted, turning away to lay on my side. He flinched, backing away.

"Spinel! Stop trying to ball everything up inside!"

I turned on him, "STOP PRETENDING YOU WANT ME TO EXIST! I HATE YOU AND YOU HATE ME!" I shouted, turning around on my side again, this time I was shaking, tears pouring down my face, "I hate you... I hate me... I hate us all..." I whimpered. I listened to him walking away. "I'll show you..." I growled quietly, "I'll show all of you idiots who's boss."

I stared at the bars. They really think this'll keep me in? What am I? A dog? I thought sourly. I struggled to slide through the bars, grunting. "Ow!" I whispered as I slid out. I clutched my shoulder; It ached, and I wasn't in the mood for help. I looked around, "Steven's at school, and the other gems are probably helping out in the city, so that means..." I trailed off, punching the window until it shattered. I slid through the hole, scratching myself on the broken glass. As I landed on the ground, I winced, "Ouch...?" I murmured.

"Spinel? SPINEL I SWEAR TO THE DIMONDS I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE SURE YOU CAN'T EVER GET AWAY!" Pearl yelled; She really seemed to hate me. I hid behind a rock, holding up the Rejuvenator and holding it against my hair. I wanted to get rid of the "new" me. I wanted to be the old me, the one that didn't try to kill everyone. I sliced it, leaving behind a small bun that looked like a messier version of the pigtails I had when Steven sent his message. I sat down, silent. I now had two small, fluffy pigtails. I grinned; I wasn't the "new" me, not completely, but close enough to the old me. I was just beginning to stand when a sharp, cold object stuck into my spine, "F...Found you!" Pearl panted, "What in the world did you do to your hair??"

I smiled, "I Rejuvenated it." I replied.


"I cut it." I said.

She stared at me, "Whatever."

She took me back to Steven and we said our "hi" and "I'm sorry" crap. I didn't care and I wasn't sorry; Pearl was really getting on my nerves. Steven should've let me kill her. Steven stared at me, "What did you do to your hair?" He asked.

"I cut it with the Rejuvenator." I answered.

He smiled, "I like it!" He complimented.

"Thanks!" I said, smiling and hugging him, "That was the last time," I promised, "I won't try to run away again."

He grinned at me, "Good." He said. I

stepped back and flipped on my hands, "Wanna do something? I'm bored. I wanna play!" I said.

He laughed, "Waddya wanna play?" He asked.

"Hm..." I mumbled, moving into a crisscross sitting position. "Hide-and-seek?" I suggested. He nodded, and I beamed at him.

After we played around a bit, we laid down outside, looking up at the sky. "We've come a long way, huh?" I whispered.

"Yeah, we sure have." Steven replied. I closed my eyes, humming a soft, simple tune. He started humming along with me. I opened my eyes and turned to him, still humming. I beamed, and looked back up at the night sky, closing my eyes. We sat together, humming until we fell asleep.

"Spinel?" Steven probed.

I sat up, yawning, "Hi." I said quietly.

He smiled softly, "Hey." He whispered. I looked up at him, smirking, and giggled.

He blinked, "What?" I lunged at him, and he instinctively took out his shield.

I reached over it and tapped his nose, "Boop!" I giggled. He blinked, surprised. I laughed, but something stirred inside me; He was mortified by my leap... Did I scare him that much? Was I really so horrifying, even after cutting my hair? I slid off the shield and landed on my feet to be eye-level with him, "D-Did I-I scare you that much?" I whispered.

He looked confused, "Spinel, what d'you mean?" He asked.

"Y-you looked so s-scared... You acted like I was gonna hurt you..." I said softly.

Steven looked away, "W-well, i-it's not easy to get used to you... Especially like this... But we'll make it work, okay?" He said.

I smiled and hugged him, tearing up, "Yeah, we will." I replied. I put my hand in his and we began to walk away from the field that held our worries, free at last...

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