Chapter eight...Singing in the-!?

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          "Nah nah naaah nuh nah nuh noh..." I sang softly, trying to calm down. Steven was talking to the other gems about Topaz, and I was supposed to wait. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, "Nuh naaah nah naaah..." I continued. "Naaaaaaaaah nuh naaaaaaaah nuh nooooohoooh noh-ho nuuuuh naaah..."

"You sound really nice." Steven commented from behind me.

"Ah!?" I shouted, startled, "O-oh... Th-thanks but I-I'm not that good..."

"No way! You're amazing!" He protested, grinning.

"C'mon Steven..." I murmured in embarrassment. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"It's great, Spinel! I think you sound awesome!" He persisted.

"Y-y-you're j-just saying th-that I-I sound horrible a-and I'm sorry..."

"Why're you apologizing?" He asked.

"W-well you were p-probably w-waiting for me a-and you had to listen to me and I-"

"Spinel? I-I wasn't waiting for you. I was kinda just sitting by the door listening. I just thought I had to compliment you."

"Yeah, sorry..."

"Stop apologizing, Spinel, it's okay."


"Spinel." He said, laughing softly.

"Sorry! I-I mean... Uhm... Sorry?"

"Hey, Spinel, by the way, how's your shoulder?"

"Uhm, well it's okay, it still hurts sometimes."

"Lemme help." I stared in awe as he healed my wound, it never stopped amazing me. All I had was a Rejuvenator and very flexible limbs. Very flexible.

"Sorry." I teased. We were both laughing whole-heartedly when two loud knocks interrupted us.

"Hello? Spinel?"

"Obby?" I gasped.

"Spinel! Are you okay?" The familiar voice was muffled by the closed door between us.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Who're you talking to?"

"Uhm... Nobody!" I answered quickly.

"Oh really? So, if I walk in nobody will be in there?"

"Yup!" I answered as brightly and reassuring as possible; I hoped she would give up.

"Even if it's a boy?"

"Even if it's a boy."

"Okay! I'm coming in!"

"Kay!" I said, shoving Steven into the cupboard.

"Do you have to hide me from them?" Steven whispered.

"Yes." I said stiffly as I closed the door.

"Oh." Obby said as she walked in, "You are alone."

"Why would I lie t'you?" I asked.

"I was hoping you had lied so I could catch you with a boy. Is 'e in the shower?"


"Bet!" She opened the curtain, "Oof."

"Hah hah!"

"How about the cupboard?"

"He's not in there either."

"Bet!" She exclaimed again, opening the cupboard, "Aw..." She whined. Sometimes boys, such as Mike, could be useful.

"Told ya!" I teased.

"No fair!" She protested. "I will find the boy you were..." She gasped, "No one in the cupboard, no one in the shower, no one in the room, boy voice coming from the room, YOU WERE DATING MIKE!!!" She shouted suddenly.

"Wait WHAT!?" I yelled, aghast, "No!"





"Yes, yes, YES."

"No, no, NO."

"You have to be."

"No, I don't!"

"Oh, but you do."

"Oh, but I don't."

"Uhm, Spinel?"

"Steven!?" I gasped, spinning around to see him being pinned against the wall by none other than Topaz.

"You killed our leader!" Topaz, not the poofed Topaz, hissed.

"Let. Him. GO." I said flatly.

"Spinel?" Steven whispered, "Th-this i-isn't safe! You need to-"

"Silence!" Topaz 2.0 growled.

"Hey! Leave him be!" I shouted.

"Milo! Seize them!" Topaz ordered. I suddenly felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

"What the-!?" I gasped, crumpling to the ground.

"MILO? MILO, NO!" Obby screamed. I felt the ground spinning, and my stomach twisted. The world was blurry and all I could think about was how much I hurt. Then I blacked out.

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