Chapter twelve...Opalling sounds (ha see what I did?)

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I looked over at Spinel. She looked sad, lonely even. "Uhm... Wh-why're you moving?" I suggested. She had told me that she was moving here, but never explained why. I realized too late that I shouldn't have asked.

"They don't trust me." She said softly.

"Oh." Is all I could think of.

When we arrived, Mike and I helped Spinel unpack her various items. "Milo? Go help!" Connor hissed at Milo.

"Why don't you?" Milo shot back.

"Because I'm the only one of us qualified to cook!" He retorted.

"Yeah, sure." Milo growled indignantly. They started yelling as we returned to unpacking. Mike looked like he was on the verge of tears. After all, he was only nine. Milo slammed the door as he left for work. He was twenty-one and still living here. He could do better. Meanwhile, Connor was seventeen, about to graduate high-school (he went to school at Home.).

"Wanna watch black screen thing?" Spinel offered.

"You mean TV?" Connor asked.

"TV? The people onthe black screen thing?" Spinel a

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