To School

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3rd POV
Yang picked up Katie and placed her on the back of her motorcycle.
Yang: I need you to hang on, we're gonna show off.
Katie: yeah!
Yang revved up her bike and within seconds it launched off, flying towards the street and heading towards the school. Blake watched them go and gave a soft smile as she went back inside the house. She closed the door behind her as she walked back into her kitchen and began to add the finishing touches on the food before doing nothing until her daughter came home.
Ruby: do you need help with anything Blake?
Blake: not at all, make yourself at does it feel to finally be back in business?
Ruby: it feels great, finally getting paid and I have my own apartment now, though since I'm still poor Yang and I split it 50/50.
Blake: you know if you ever need help I can slide you some or if you want, you can stay here for a couple of weeks while work is slow.
Ruby: I'd like that.
Meanwhile Yang drove with Katie on the back, driving next to a school bus with Katie's class.
Kid: woah!
Female Kid: cool!
Yang did a full wheelie before moving faster than the bus and doing down the street.
Bus Driver: Yang?
Yang stopped at the school with a screeching halt, letting Katie get off.
Katie: thanks Aunt Yang!
Katie took off the helmet and gave it back to Yang.
Yang: anytime kid, if you ever need a ride just let me know.
The bus stopped at the school and all of the kids got off, including the driver.
Driver: Yang is that you?
Yang: who else? Wait....Neptune?!
Neptune: yeah being a hunter didn't work out.
Yang: I can tell....alright Katie be good.
Katie: alright Aunt Yang.
Katie ran inside the school as Yang smiled under her helmet. She then revved up the bike and drove out of the school area with a massive cloud of dust following her.
Katie walked into her class and sat down at the desk in the front of the room. A woman walked to the front of the room, she was older and she looked absolutely mean.
?????: Morning class, I am Mrs. Goodwitch. I am your teacher for this class, I want to make one thing clear, you will act the best you ever have in your life in my class. I used to teach hunter and huntresses! I fought a monster in the cafeteria at Beacon Academy, I may still have the scars, but I lived! Any Questions?!
None of the kids raised their hands out of fear.
Glynda: alright, we're gonna get to know each other, first give a fact about yourself, followed by one about your family....nothing inappropriate or I swear I'll drag you to the principal's office myself!
Kids: yes ma'am!
Glynda: you first!
Kid: my name is Danny Wukong, my father is in charge of a donut shot and my mother stays at home and always goes to her bedroom with another guy for some reason.
Glynda: ok next!
Katie then stood up.
Katie: my name is Katie mother works around the house and receives pension for many years of being a Huntress. I never met my mother only told me a story once a while ago but before or after that, she never made mention of him, it looked like it hurt her every time I asked.
Glynda: that yellow line....your father had the same thing, that's one thing I could never forget about him.
Katie: you know about him?
Glynda: I do, but this isn't about me, now take your seat. Next!

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