Indoraptor's Wrath

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3rd POV
A claw rose over the side of Beacon as rain stormed outside and lightning was making ground strikes. The Indoraptor's quills began to shake and make a loud noise as it roared into the sky. Inside the academy Diane was on the ground with a scratch across her stomach.
Diane: oh that doesn't feel good at all....s-someone get me to a doctor.....I feel a little.....light.
Diane passed out on the ground in Rufus' arms.
Rufus: I'll get her to the infirmary, they'll be able to'll have to go get Katie.
Cassandra: I'll go get her.
Blake: you're not going without me.
Yang: or me.
Ruby: don't I get a friggin say in this?
Everyone remained quiet.
Ruby: lets go get this bitch out of Katie.
Everyone nodded as they all ran to their desired locations. The Indoraptor went through the halls of the upper floors. When lightning struck it illuminated the hall.
Katie POV
I looked around, the glass room was reinforced, surrounded by darkness yet again.
?????: Enjoy what you see child? Your friend won't last very long.
Me: leave them alone....
?????: No, I'm in control now, you're near shattered from just a scratch alone, imagine the damage when I kill someone you love.
Me: I won't let that happen.
????: You'll try, but I already have my target picked.
Me: stay away from my mother!
??????: touchy on the subject aren't we? I'll make sure I finish her nice and slow.
I ran as fast as I could towards the glass wall, hitting it as hard as I could, but nothing worked.
?????: ha! That was pitiful. No wonder you're weak! Your father was the same way, always trying to break free, I let him out once and what does he do? He tries to shoot himself. But there's something you don't know about your mother and father's relationship.
Me: shut up!
?????: she's the one who killed him. She put the weapon in his heart. You have no father because of her!
Me: shut it!
I ran as hard as I could and hit the glass wall again, still no damage. I could hear the evil laughter surrounding.
?????: someone is coming child! Let's see who it will be, my guess is your mother or your little girlfriend. Either way, I will rip their throat out so they won't be able to scream!
Me: no......
3rd POV
Blake and Yang, and Cassandra ran to see the Indoraptor in the hall, illuminated by the lightning.
Cassandra: Katie!
The Indoraptor roared as it stood on its hind legs. It then went back on all fours and ran towards them.
Blake: come on Katie!
As the Indoraptor ran a gunshot was heard behind it. A shot of ice dust hit the ground and froze the Hybrid in place, unable to run.
Ruby: got it!
Everyone walked towards it as it began roaring and pulling on the ice.
Yang: come on Katie! You can fight it. This creature doesn't know who it's messing with! You're Katie Belladonna!

⚠️Play the music if you want⚠️

The Indoraptor's eyes turned yellow as Yang said this. Katie still has strength to fight the demon.
Blake: Katie's me......everything will be alright.
The Hybrid's eyes began to tear up as it listened, Katie was fighting for control.
Cassandra: you can do this!
The Indoraptor began to calm, only for its eyes to turn blood red again and break the ice on its foot.
Ruby: everyone! Get back now!
The Indoraptor roared as everyone rolled away from it as it looked dead at Blake.
Cassandra: Ms. Belladonna!
The Indoraptor charged as fast as it could towards Blake. Blake's eyes filled with tears as the Indoraptor came closer and closer.
Blake: I'm sorry Katie......I failed you.
From no where Yang shoved Blake to the side, catching the cat Faunus off guard.
Yang: sorry.
Within a second a claw shot through Yang's side, blood flying outwards as it went fully through.
Ruby: Yang!
The Indoraptor ran with Yang and put her to the wall, making the fiery blonde cough up blood.
Blake: Yang!
Yang looked over at the three as the Indoraptor pulled its claw out of her. Yang dropped to the ground with a bloody smile and tears in her eyes.
Yang: I-I'm.......sorry.
A final tear escaped her eye as she laid on the ground, barely breathing, medical attention needed.
Blake: Yang!
Ruby: I'll get her out of here!
The Indoraptor's eyes turned yellow as looked at what it did. The hybrid began to shrink down to Katie, transforming back into her.
Katie: what.....what have I done?!

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