Shattering the Mind

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3rd POV
Blake walked out of the back with a few pints of cookies and cream ice cream.
Blake: here you go.
The girls opened the pints and began eating the ice cream.
Katie: is Yang going to be ok?
Blake: Yang is going to be looks like you shattered her aura, and definitely made a gash, but the aura took the brunt of the force.
Katie took another bite as she then began to shiver.
Blake: are you alright Katie?
Katie stood up and held her head.
?????: Of pain you could wish only one thing: that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes.
The voice spoke to Katie as she went to her knees again, Blake quickly ran to her side and placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.
Blake: Katie!
Cassandra stood up and pushed herself across the table to help out Katie.
Through Katie's mind, she saw the amount of trouble she caused while in the form of the hybrid, all while an evil laugh was heard behind it.
?????: there it is.
Katie felt something shatter within her as she then fell backwards. Blake's eyes widened as Katie's eyes filled with tears as she landed on the ground, her arms turning black. Blake took a step back and put her arm infront of Cassandra.
Cassandra: Katie!
Katie looked at Cassandra and Blake.
Her voice was weak, only to be followed by a heart wrenching scream as her skin was turning black as night, and the quills of the hybrid began to stick up. Blake grabbed Cassandra by the hand and ran with her as lightning stuck, the rain began to pour down harder and harder as the seconds passed. Katie's eyes then shot open, turning yellow to blood red as she went to her stomach and grew a tail.
Cassandra: what are we doing about Katie!?
Blake: we need to figure out a way to bring her out of that form without hurting her.
Cassandra: well her father was that thing, how did you stop it then?
Blake: you don't want to know that.
Cassandra: it could save her life.
Blake: I had to kill my love! I took my weapon and dug it through his heart! You love Katie don't you?
Cassandra: I do.
Blake: then you'll help me find every way to make sure we don't have to kill her.
The sound of the Indoraptor was heard down the hall, the roses echoed.
Blake: that's not good at all.
The Indoraptor smashed its claws into the ground as its quills began to rattle as it looked in the direction Blake and Cassandra. It then began to remove quickly as lightning struck, the pain coming down harder than it was before. The Indoraptor growled as its blood red eyes practically flowed without the Lightning's illumination.
Blake pulled out her weapon and kept Cassandra behind her.
Cassandra: are you going to use it against Katie?
Blake: if I can use it to knock her out then that's the plan, not to kill or wound. Let's move.
They ran down the hall to hear the claws scratching against the lockers, echoing through the halls as they ran for their lives, trying to avoid the hybrid, while at the same time trying to figure out a plan to bring Katie out of her cursed state and quite possibly keep it that way.
Blake: I think I have a plan.
Cassandra: what is it?
The Indoraptor stood on its hind legs as it continued walking, moving its claws along the lockers to make thy eerie metallic sound. At the end of the hallway Blake stood with her weapon ready. The Indoraptor stopped dead in its tracks and roared, running towards Blake. It went to put its claws through her, only for her to disappear, causing the hybrid to crash into the wall face first.
Blake jumped from the rafters and stood cocky.
Blake: let go of my daughter!

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