Memories Flow

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3rd POV
Yang and Ruby stood pacing as Katie sat in a chair, still thinking about her nightmare.
Yang: it's finally beginning to come out....
Ruby: something needs to be done....but how?
Katie: the monster spoke to me in my dream....he was so......scary......who was the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company.
Yang, Blake and Ruby all stopped cold.
Yang: how do you know about her? Have any of you mentioned her?
Blake: I don't think I have.
Ruby: neither have I.
Katie: the monster mentioned that he slaughtered the heiress....also a....Carnosaurus? Something along the lines, I know it started with Carno.
Yang: It remembers Toast too?
Katie: Toast?
Ruby: I remember that day like it was yesterday.....her broken face.

Play the music at the top if you want.

Ruby: every....last....detail.
Toast picked up Weiss by the back of her skirt and with all his strength threw her onto the boat. When she realized what happened she turned around to see Toast standing on the dock roaring out to the ship.
Weiss: Toast!
She reached out as Yang and Blake held her back.

Toast roared out again as the ash began to surround him, burning him alive

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Toast roared out again as the ash began to surround him, burning him alive. He felt the pain, he stood strong as the lava began getting closer. He had a tear rolling from his eye as he gave a soft smile. He knew what he was doing.
Weiss: please don't do this! Please!
Weiss' eyes filled with more tears as they slowly began to turn red and the tears on her cheek dropping into the ocean.
Weiss: Toast!
Toast stood tall as his silhouette was seen the lava came closer. He roared out one last time as it echoed to the boat.

Weiss watched as the smoke engulfed Toast and his silhouette in the light completely disappeared as one last roar escaped until it was complete silence

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Weiss watched as the smoke engulfed Toast and his silhouette in the light completely disappeared as one last roar escaped until it was complete silence. The ship doors closed as Weiss continued watching the island until they finally shut, leaving her in the darkness.
Weiss: T-Toast......
The boat continued away from the boat as Weiss sat against he door, her face in her knees crying her eyes out, in between her fingers the same rose that her Toasty gave her, just before all of this happened.
Flashback End.

Blake: I watched Weiss go....
Katie: was she a friend of yours?
Blake: there used to be 4 of us there's three.
Katie: did that creature do it?
Blake: did.....that wasn't your was evil.....
Blake looked at Katie and saw his eyes in her. All she saw was him. Blake then hugged Katie as a tear filled her eye, talking about a subject she's always been touchy with.
Yang: if anything else happens Katie....let us know....this is something massive.
Katie: but what if I break, like it mentioned?
Yang: you're a strong person Katie....I know you will be able to keep it at won't break at all.

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