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3rd POV
The hospital door flew open as Ruby and Blake were run into the room, the lights above shining as Blake was barely breathing. In the waiting room Yang sat with Katie and her friends.
Yang: everything will be alright Katie....Blake has been through a lot worse, and Ruby just needs some stitches and rest and she'll fine fine....along with a Rabies shot if needed.
Katie: but I caused that damage.....I hurt my own mother and my own aunt.....what kind of monster am I?
Yang: it wasn't you, I know you better than that. You wouldn't hurt someone unless they hurt you first, that monster is ruthless, it hunts with no regret. It isn't you and it wasn't your father.
Rufus: is your father could turn into one of those things?
Katie: apparently.
Rufus: Badass.
Diane elbowed Rufus in the chest.
Rufus: ow!
Diane: for that you're helping with my research tonight.
Rufus: again?
Diane: yes again, I'm missing on a lot of stuff recently so I need to stay up for the next 48 hours me to catch up.
Katie: that's not healthy.
Cassandra: what happens now?
Katie: I honestly don't know.....you guys should probably head back home, I'll see you all soon.
Meanwhile in the Operation Room.
Blake was on the table, her bra cut in the middle but the cups scotch taped to her do nothing is revealed. The surgeon began at her left rib section and began to tighten the wound.
Surgeon: I've never seen such a clean slice before, not even a freshly sharpened knife could cut this clean. There's no tear or anything, it's smooth.
Nurse: how is that possible?
Surgeon: I don't even know....nothing living today could cause this.
The surgeon continued closing up Blake, pumping small dosages of Morphine into her.
Yang was asleep in the chair as Katie and Cassandra sat next to each other, hand in hand, both worried about Blake and Ruby.
Katie: thank you for staying....even though you had the option to go home.
Cassandra: I'm not leaving you....not while you're hurting like this.
Katie smiled as a nurse opened the door.
Katie: Aunt Yang?
Yang woke up and looked at the nurse.
Nurse: are you Ms. Xiao Long?
Yang: yes? Is Ruby alright? What about Blake?
Nurse: Blake is still in surgery, and Ruby is ready for visitors. Would you like to see her.
Yang: of course.....come on girls.
Katie and Cassandra stood up and walked with Yang into Ruby's dorm room.
Ruby: hey guys.
Katie: Aunt Ruby I am so sorry.
Ruby: child....it's fine....it's not your fault...and the doctors have been giving some of the good stuff.....and a rabies shot.
Yang: we're glad your ok.
Ruby: is Blake alright?
Yang: she is still getting sewn up....but she should be out soon.
Ruby: I see.....Well I'm excited to hear the news on her recovery. Katie get over here.
Katie stepped forward to Ruby.
Ruby: I'm thirsty for the biggest soda possible, would you and your friend be able to run to the vending machine down the hall and grab me one.
Katie: sure thing.
Ruby: here's some Lien.
Ruby gave Katie the lien and the two teenagers walked into the hall to the vending machine.
Ruby: Katie is a good child....it's just a shame she was thrown into this against her will.... that curse given to Y/N by Ironwood....how could it come back to haunt us later.....it also looked different....like it evolved.
Yang: the quills on the end of its tail.
Ruby: more teeth too, I just hope we'll be able to get it out of her.
Yang: I hope so too....we can't let the same thing happen to her as it did Y/N.

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