Last Stand

381 15 3

Yeah I recommend the music for this one

3rd POV
The Indoraptor roared as it flared at Blake, its blood red eyes locked on her as it tapped its claw on the ground.
Blake: come on Katie, you can fight this thing! You're a strong hearted girl who wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose.
The Indoraptor moved slowly towards Blake, growling.
Blake: I know you're in there, you can do it!
Katie watched through the eyes of the Indoraptor, running against an invisible wall and failing each time, trying to break through. The Hybrid's eyes began to Flicker between red and yellow as Katie fought for control over the body. The Indoraptor roared as Katie was then engulfed in darkness, not allowing her to see anything, only hear the sounds of her mother talking.
Blake: I'm not going to let this thing hurt you anymore!
The Indoraptor roared as it stood on its hind legs and was prepared to attack Blake. Blake held her weapon tightly and swung at the Hybrid, only to get knocked to the side. Blake however quickly stood up and let out a scream, she wasn't going to give up on her daughter.
Blake: you're Katie Belladonna. Daughter of Y/N L/N.
The Indoraptor roared as it then lunged at Blake who dived to the ground beneath it. It landed behind her and went to scratch her, hitting her back as she stood up. Blake yelled out in pain as she then turned around. The Indoraptor looked at Blake and opened its mouth slightly, a few droplets of spit leaving.
Blake: come on Katie! You can do this.
Katie felt around within the hybrid's head until finding the invisible wall, hitting it with her fist.
Katie: Mom!
?????: an academy student, still crying out for mommy, you're almost an adult, why not grow a backbone.
Blake switched her blade to a gun and began firing, the dust shots doing absolutely nothing to it. The Indoraptor roared as it whipped its tail around and hit Blake in her leg. It was followed by a loud cracking sound. Blake let out another scream, as her leg was near broken, her aura slowly healing it. The screams echoed within the Indoraptor's head, this is all Katie could hear.
Katie: make it stop!
A small window for Katie opened, allowing her to see through the Indoraptor's eyes. She saw her mother fighting with the Hybrid, she was covered with cuts and was slightly limping.
Katie: Mom......
The Indoraptor stood on its hind legs as it grabbed Blake and picked her up, opening its mouth. It was going to do the same thing it did to Weiss, bite down on the head of its victim and crush. Blake grabbed her weapon and shoved it in the Hybrid's mouth, making it toss her to the side and begin to choke.
Blake hit the wall and hit the ground,
Blake: daughter.
The Indoraptor bit down on the weapon and destroyed it, then looking over at Blake. Blake pushed herself up and looked at the Indoraptor.
Blake: You took Y/N.....I'm not allowing you to take my daughter.
Blake put her fists up, even after losing her weapon she was still going to put on a fight. She moved as quickly as she could to hit the Hybrid, only to get scratched across the stomach, shattering her aura and putting her to the ground.
Katie's eyes filled with tears as she watched what just happened.
Katie: you don't have to do this!
Blake remained on the ground, wounded with cuts all over her body as the Indoraptor stood over her. It growled at her.
Blake: I love you Katie....I hope you know that......regardless of what happens.
The Indoraptor roared as it lifted its claws and brought them down with a lot of force. Blake's eyes shot open as blood shot up from her mouth, the Indoraptor's blood red eyes looked down at Blake as her eyes glistened.
Katie: MOM!
The Indoraptor roared out as it pulled the claw from Blake's chest, a spray of blood followed it. Blake looked at the Indoraptor as a tear came from her eye, she then lied on the ground lifeless as the Indoraptor walked off, the rain pouring outside as Katie cried within its head.
?????: only one remains
Katie was closed back into darkness, alone as she tried to control herself.

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