Hybrid Rematch

416 11 4

3rd POV
The Indoraptor roared as Cassandra stood up and ran the other way, the Indominus blocked the hallway as it roared at the smaller hybrid. The smaller hybrid jumped up and grabbed onto the face of the larger one, making it shake its head around, smashing it into the walls of the building.
The Indoraptor jumped off and roared as it looked over the body and then had an evil look, it was planning something. The Indominus Rex roared as it kept its eye on the Indoraptor. The Indoraptor stood on its hind legs as it growled, then went back down on all fours and ran towards the Indominus.
The Indominus planted its foot into the ground and went to bite the Indorapor, that instead dived to the ground and slid beneath the massive hybrid. The Indominus went to quickly turn around, only to get slashed across the eye by the Indoraptor.
Blake, Yang and Ruby were on a bullhead, going towards the academy.
Blake: can this thing go any faster!?
Ruby placed her hand on Blake's shoulder. Blake looked at Ruby who was trying to comfort her.
Ruby: it's moving as fast as it can Blake, don't worry, we'll get to her.
Blake: that's my daughter Ruby....she's all I have right now. I can't help but worry.
Yang: she's a tough kid.
Blake: she's tough yes.....but we saw what that creature did to Y/N. Can this thing go any faster?!
Pilot: I'm going as fast as I can lady! I don't know what the hell you want to do at an academy but we're moving.
Yang: uh sir, with all do respect she's a worried mother and I think the last thing she needs is a remark like that, I understand we're going as quick as possible, but upset mom is something no one likes.
Pilot: we'll get there when we get there.
Back at Beacon
The Indoraptor put the Indomimus to the floor, beating the creature that was the main cause for its loss when Y/N was around. The Indoraptor then roared out as it planted both of its claws onto the massive hybrid, then lifting one up as its roar echoed through the halls of the academy.
Diane: by my calculations we should be able to make it to the next classroom before it turns the corner if we leave....now!
The students all began running as the Indoraptor was about to turn the corner. All of the students made it into the classroom before the hybrid turned its head. The Indoraptor walked down the hall, smelling the ground.
Rufus: Can't it smell us?
Diane: its an animal, while yes it could, how could it open a door?
The door then creaked open as the Indoraptor stood in the doorway, its eyes blood red.
Cassandra: Katie!
The indoraptor turned and looked at Cassandra as it let out a growl, only to be cut off by the sound of screaming. It backed out of the room only to get punched hard in the face by Yang, sending it flying down the hall.
Yang: everyone get out of there now!
The students did as they were told, Cassandra, Rufus and Diane went by Blake and Ruby as Yang readied her gauntlets again.
Yang: give me back my little buddy!
The Indoraptor roared as it went to charge at the team. Ruby pulled out her scythe and began to take shots, the Indoraptor dodging them all. With all of its strength and pushed itself off the ground and practically flew above them. It then landed directly behind Diane.
Blake: Move now!
The Indoraptor roared out as it spun, its left claws slashing Diane across the front and sending her to the ground hard. The hybrid then roared as it ran and dived out the window, disappearing from everyone's view.

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