Another Nightmare

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3rd POV
Time flew through the day as Katie closed her eyes and went to bed, her light off and sleeping hard. She tossed and turned though, dreaming about something horrific.
Katie: no.....not....that.

Play the music if you want

Katie POV *Dream*
I woke up, rain was pouring down hard as I looked around. I saw my mother by the edge of a cliff.
Me: Mommy!
I ran towards her as I saw a claw reach over the side of the cliff and pull itself up. I went to run to her as the same creature rose up with red eyes and teeth covered in blood.
The monster roared as it lifted its claws, I was stuck and couldn't move, I was forced to watch.
Me: Mommy!
The ground shook beneath me as a massive white dinosaur ran above me, roaring and covered in cuts. The black monster slashed at my mother before grabbed the massive white one and throwing it over the cliff.
My mother was on the ground lifeless as the rain pelted her dead body.
Me: Mommy!
?????: what's the matter child?
I looked to see that the beast was looking at me, talking.
?????: she was only a drawback, she made our inner self weak! But now, nothing will let us fight....that's why a little bit of us is inside you child.
I looked at the creature, paralyzed with fear as it grew closer and closer.
?????: in time you'll be just like me, but smarter, I have my hold on you child, my first work when I have my way is to end your whore mother. Just as your father couldn't do when I was with him.
Me: you....don't know him.
?????: Child, no one knows your father better than me, I took control, I was inside him, I slaughtered the heiress to the Schnee dust company, I caused the explosion to burn her precious Carnotaurus alive. He watched me do it, he was going on and on about how it was wrong, but deep down, he knows it was right!
Me: you're wrong!
?????: soon your body will lose it all, and once that happens, I'll be there to pick up the scraps child. Now, let's get that mother of yours awake!
He readied itself and pounced at me, everything quickly flashed white.

Dream POV End
3rd POV
Katie's eyes shot open.
Katie: Mommy!
Within seconds the door was kicked open and Blake had her weapon.
Blake: are you alright?!
Katie jumped out of the bed and hugged her mother. Blake went to her knee and hugged her back.
Katie: the monster spoke to me! He killed you! He mentioned Dad!
Blake: Honey I'm alive and was all a dream.
Katie: you called it Y/N! Who is Y/N?
Blake's eyes widened.
Blake: I've never said that name while you were around....I don't know ho-
Katie: who is he mommy?! Is it that monster?!
Blake: *sigh* Y/N is your father, I just never told you his real name.... the was forced upon him....he couldn't control.... many lost..... baby I'm sorry, come on.
Blake picked up Katie who was still tearing up.
Katie: he was speaking about...having control over me, and once it happened, he would attack you.
Blake: it was a creature that is no longer around, you have nothing to fear with that.
Katie: but my arms turned black!
Blake: did your father's. But don't you worry, I swear as sit here with you. There won't be anything wrong with this, you will be fine.

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