14 - Alone

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Ex had a different view of when they left that day.

Even from the start, he was set apart from Xisuma. While his parents kissed his twin brother goodbye, he stood off to the side. As he grew up, his parents paid more attention to X.

Oh, sure, they thought they acknowledged him. He normally spent his time outside, raiding End cities, avoiding his parents. But they never did.

X had said they were in this together. But when they emerged from the other side of the portal, X was nowhere to be seen.

Ex had found himself at the foot of a mountain surrounded by a birch forest. He spent several days climbing the mountain to see the view from a high vantage point. It was hard work, and EX nearly died several times. His hands were scraped from clutching the rock tightly. And it had all been for nothing-he'd climbed a mountain to see is X was nearby-if anyone was nearby, but there was nothing.

It got harder from there. It was one challenge after another, first of all getting used to the Overworld, then learning how to survive. All without X.

Even though X had always gotten more attention, Ex still loved him in his own way. They were close. Ex couldn't explain the feeling he'd felt when he'd realized he was alone. Where was X now? Ex hoped he was in a better situation than him.

Over time, Ex made himself a small base in a cave he'd found on the side of a fountain. He'd gotten the essentials items needed to survive, and he was starting to learn this new Overworld. You should have seen his face when he'd seen one of those pink creatures for the first time.

Ex started to find himself writing mental messages to X. It was a way to cope, but at the same time, it just made the loneliness hurt even more.

Hey, X.

I miss you.

I hope you're doing better than me.

Ex wondered if X still remembered him, or even still thought about him. Was he still relevant in his brother's eyes? Or was he starting to fade already?

What would life be like if we had appeared in the same place?

We'd have such a great time exploring the world.

Do you miss mom and dad? I miss them, too.

I wonder how they're doing.

Do you think they're even alive?

Some days, when things got hard, Ex wanted to just give up. Other days, just the thought of X was the only thing that kept him going. Deep down, I think he knew that all of this was just a stopover. He was going to find X. Someday. Somehow.

They would finally be reunited.

Ex hated being alone. He loved having a brother. Even his family was always there, despite their problems. He had to learn how to rely on himself, because from the start, there was no one there to help.

X, If I was the popular brother and you were the overshadowed one, how do you think we would be right now?

Maybe I'd be having fun. Like you are right now.

Maybe you'd be where I am.


(WC: 530)

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