8 - Man Of Science

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There is power in logic. You can predict everything and anything that could possibly happen. You can plan for even the most unexpected things. Numbers never lied, after all.

So what happens when the unexpected happens? Something that you couldn't possibly plan for?

Like magic.

Cub had always been a firm believer in the saying "knowledge is power". He believed in the more logical things more than the creative ones.

Cub loved solving unsolved mysteries and testing the impossible. He merged a Creeper with a man. It was amazing--it had worked, but he had, unfortunately, died. Apparently, even a Creeper hybrid couldn't survive its own blast. He'd made almost an entire human body metal, leaving just the head. Cyborg eyes. Weird mutations. Cub had done it all.

But when the incident happened, there was no way to prepare or avoid it. They came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere.

It was a few days after the Creeper hybrid experiment, or Experiment 77, had failed. Cub was outside of the lab, just on the outskirts of the property. He was studying an outdoor experiment, using a golden flower, taking notes.

It was just a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. The birds were chirping, and the flower he was studying was in full bloom.

Normally, this wouldn't have bothered Cub, but he was looking for something new. A new experiment, maybe? Since Experiment 77 had failed, he needed something new to occupy his time.

His eyes scanned the nearby area. The lab was in a relatively flat area and had a natural perimeter made by trees.

To the north, you could see the beginnings of a snowy mountain range.

Down south was a deep ocean.

Eastward continued the forest.

And to the west, there also stood a vast forest, but this one was different. The tree trunks were thicker, the leaves and wood darker. It was dark under the cover of the leaves. There were giant mushrooms taller than Cub.

Most mysterious, there was some sort of structure in the distance. It was made of the same wood in the forest and looked manmade.

The reason it was mysterious was that no one knew who built it. Cub had asked around, to which he got this answer.

"Why do you care about that building so much? It's in that forest. We should stay as far away from it as possible."

The scientists didn't want to go near the forest for some reason. When Cub asked why, they just told him that someone had gone into the forest and hadn't come back.

But Cub was more curious than the others. He came up with multiple questions that they had solved. What happens if you merge a human with a Creeper? How about making a nearly fully-metal human? Can you edit a flower's DNA to make it grow faster?

Now, he had a new one. What happened to the person who went inside that forest?

The forest was dangerous, obviously. It was also the least-explored area near the lab. The ocean? Mapped and charted. Mountains? They'd explored the entire range. The east forest? It went on forever, but Cub knew it like the back of his hand.

There was something in that dark oak forest. And whatever it was, it was enough to scare everyone out of there.

Well...not everyone.

Cub set out into the forest to see what secrets it held.

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