34 - Closure

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Bdubs was standing over False when she woke up.

"Gah!" She jumped back, playfully glaring at Bdubs. "Didn't anyone tell you not to watch people sleep and wait for them to wake up?"

"Uhh, I can't say they have." Bdubs gestured for her to come outside. "Anyway, I have something I want to show you."

Judging from the excited gleam in his eyes, whatever he wanted to show her was good news. She carefully stepped over Ren, who was snoring loudly on his sleeping bag, and followed him.

Bdubs put his hands over False's eyes. "So I was up early today, and I decided to walk around and check out everyone's bases. I was climbing your mountain staircase when I saw it hovering over. I shouted and waved until they noticed me."

He removed his hands from her eyes. "Check it out. I mean, what are the chances, am I right?"

They were under a large shadow that covered her observatory base. Something very large was floating above them. Bdubs was bouncing up and down on his toes, obviously anticipating her reaction.

False slowly looked up, and her eyes brimmed with tears.

Airship Pi was docked to the mountain, and she could see her dad waving to her at the bow.

She looked at Bdubs with disbelief. "How...?"

"I don't know, really! Best I can say is 'what a coincidence, huh?'"

False threw her arms around Bdubs. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, it was no problem." He gave her a wide smile. "Are...are we forgiven for that first night?"

False chuckled to herself. It seemed like so long ago when she had fallen from the airship and landed in the river of the clearing. Bdubs had welcomed her and tried to make her feel better, but she had pushed him away. "Honestly, I should be apologizing to you. This means a lot to me."

"I can imagine. I'll leave you to it." He saluted her, then started walking back down the mountain.

False took a deep breath and waved back to her dad. He dropped a rope ladder down, and she ascended quickly.

Her dad gave her a warm smile. "Hi, Falsie. Been a long time, huh?"

False let out a happy sob and gave him a big hug. "I missed you so much...I'm sorry for scaring you..."

"No, no, it's okay." He ran his hands through her hair. "It's not your fault."

They held the hug for what seemed like the longest second. False broke away first and looked around Airship Pi, overcome with a wave of memories. Was it really 2 months ago that she had been dueling on the deck at midnight? What would have happened if she'd just gone to sleep like a good girl?

Something told her that none of this would have happened. Even though the first month had been hard for her, it had all worked out in the end.

"Well, well." A voice behind False made her jump. "Looks like little Falsie is back."

The group of boys who had pushed her off the ship was standing behind her. Each had a bigger scowl than the last. When her dad had called her Falsie, it sounding loving. These guys made repeated it in a falsetto voice, mocking her for being Daddy's Little Girl.

If this had happened 2 months ago, False would have cowered in the corner, hoping they didn't attack her. Now, after all of this had happened, these boys seemed even pettier than before. She let out a laugh. They stepped back, their tiny brains wondering what they had gone to make her giggle.

"I have something to tell you." She stepped up to them. Even though she was shorter, the pure confidence she carried made her seem so much more mature. "I'm not scared of you. You think you can intimidate me just by putting on a scary face?" She giggled again. "You can't be more wrong."

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