Epilogue - The End

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Grian came back from Evo looking disappointed.

From her spot next to Stress, Cleo could see the evident I didn't get what I was searching for look on his face. She'd seen that expression enough on her own face. She would have gone right up and comforted him, but he quickly went over to Mumbo and talked to him silently.

Besides, Cleo had her own problems. Stress was still upset over Wels leaving. False had made the tough decision of staying in the clearing and not with her family. She took it upon herself to comfort both of them. At least it wasn't time spent on the Portal Theory.

Just scanning the clearing made Cleo appreciate how much had changed since her arrival. Large piles of storage, big builds, and the trodden grass made it evident that people had been living here for a very long time.

Everyone was hanging out in the clearing today. Scar was playing with a new cat he had tamed. Etho and Doc were arguing over what was the best way to build a compact triple piston extender. X and Cub were comparing the traits of their kind of magic. All in all, just a normal day.

So why was Cleo so tense? An instinct in her body told her that something was off today. It reminded her of the literal calm before the storm when the Kraken had attacked her ship. Something big was about to happen.

"Cleo, did you ever finish that Portal Theory of yours?"

A voice behind her made her jump. Grian and Mumbo had come over from their little nook. At the mention of the Portal Theory, everyone within earshot turned to see what Cleo would say.

"Oh, yeah. That," she said, fidgeting at the sight of her large audience. "Honestly, I've laid it to rest."

From where he was sitting, Cub raised an eyebrow. "No logical deduction? You just gave up on it?"

"Well, if it pleases you, how about this. I've come to the scientific conclusion that it's just another one of those occurrences that happen for a reason."

Everyone murmured, not sure what to make of that.

"I, for one, am glad it did," Scar said, stroking his cat's fur. "I mean, I wouldn't have met you all if it wasn't for that Vex portal." He started pointing at people. "Stress wouldn't have made new friends. Cub and Doc wouldn't have made amends. Grian..." he trailed off.

The others quickly chimed in with their approval.

"And, with that, I can safely do this without any guilt." Cleo dug into her pocket and dramatically brought out a piece of paper. "This is the original paper I started writing my Portal Theory on." She set it onto the ground. "Grian, will you do the honors?"

Everyone gathered around to see. Grian looked confused, but then he understood. He pointed his finger at the parchment. The page was engulfed in purple fire, and everyone watched as it burned away.

"Good riddance," xB muttered. Everyone silently agreed.

Beef cleared his throat. "Uh, guys, I don't mean to interrupt this, but I think you'll want to see this..."

Everyone followed his gaze and collectively caught their breath.

At the opposite end of the clearing, there was a portal. But it wasn't like any portal they've seen. The inside looked like a normal Nether portal, but the similarities stopped there. The frame was 1 block wide, 3 blocks tall, and was lined with diamond blocks with the corners missing.

Compared to the other portals they've seen, this one seemed downright pathetic. It didn't have any ornate designs or a deep swirling vortex. But the sensation inside Cleo was increasing the longer she looked at the portal.

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