I Bet They're Soft ; P2

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Castiel stared at Dean, not believing the words that had came out of his mouth. He blinked at him, furrowing his brows and tilting his head at him.

"You're-... you're serious?"

Dean smiled at him.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

The angel stood silent for a moment, his breath catching in his throat.

"A-Are you suggesting—"

"Damnit Cas, yes. I want- ...I.. want you, Cas."

Dean was starting to become impatient. Cas started at the Hunter with disbelief in his eyes. He couldn't believe Dean was saying this. Surely Dean was joking. He had never shown any feelings to him, and usually Dean had a sick sense of humor. But then again, Dean said he was being serious he would've told him it was a joke by now. Castiel sighed and looked down at his feet.

"I could say the same.."

The Angel mumbled, not really wanting to look at Dean's face just in case if there was a look of disgust because he was trying to play a joke the entire time. But instead of what Cas thought he was gonna do which was just walk away, Dean lifted Cas' chin. They both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, searching each other's eyes for a sign or a small sight of their thoughts.

Dean slowly leaned in, Cas not even daring or thinking to move. It was a soft, fragile kiss that could break if any of them moved just a bit. They stood like this for a moment longer, not knowing weather or not to back away or deepen the kiss. Before Dean could think to break it, Cas decided to lean closer. Cas tilted his head a little to get a better position, making their lips lock in a perfect rhythm.

They stood like this for what felt like eons, the silence of the bunker seeming eery even though Charlie and Sam we're somewhere in the war room or somewhere else. Dean hesitantly placed his hands in Cas' waist, pulling them closer to each other. The Angel only hummed against them kiss, the only thing he was able to think of being Dean. When Dean broke the kiss, it was only because he needed to breathe but also to speak.

"I can't believe I fell for a nerd Angel."

He muttered, letting out a breathless chuckle and his forehead falling against Cas'. Castiel laughed with him.

"I can't believe I fell for a smelly human."

"I do not smell."

Dean said, offended.

"Yes you do, when you come back from hunts."

Dean blinked at Cas, shrugging and kind of considering that. There was a smile on his face and you would be able to hear it in his voice. He placed a small peck of a kiss on Cas' lips.

"I guess that's true."

They stared at each other again, two colors meeting each other and dancing with each other. Dean was going to lean in again until light footsteps were heard. They both instinctively stepped away from each other, cheeks flushed.

Charlie stopped dead in her tracks, looking at Cas then at Dean and repeat. She blinked.

"Were you two making out?"

Cas stood silent, it was Dean who spoke.

"I- uh—"

"You were making out weren't you. Um. Yeah okay. I'll just-.. yeah."

She slowly walked away, passing them without looking at them. She called from far in the hallway.

"Okay, do your thing just don't be loud."

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