Prologue: Sail the Black Seas

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A long time ago, there lived a era of pirates. They terrorized the citizens of Japan with their sadistic behaviours. The worst one that would become legend was Junko Enoshima: the Ultimate Despair Pirate. She is a merciless killer that would make crystal blue waters darkened with blood. She vowed to destroy every last bit of hope the world had and fill it with despair.

She was pillaging a nearby seaside village alongside her crew. She couldn't have wished for such a crew: the perfect weapon to continue her despairing quest. People screamed as swords cut through flesh and bone. Buildings were torched down in hellfire. The skies were covered to the brim with smoke.

"Ah, yes! Another befitting day!" Junko laughed, watching the massacre below her feet.

"Captain!" Kokichi, her first mate, rushed over grinning devilishly "We found someone who may have the thing you were looking for.

"Show me." She said bluntly, not turning her head. He led her to the docks where a few of the villagers were trying to flee by boat. An old man was panting as Junko's crew members beaten him to a pulp.

"Please! Stop!" An elderly woman cried as she struggled under her captor's grip.

"Shut up! You'll get what coming to you!" One of the pirates sneered. Junko pushed her way through and stomped her foot on the man's back.

" are the one with the information I seek." She hissed, rubbing her heel deeper into his spine.

"I'll never tell you anything, you witch!" He retorted, before receiving another boot to the face.

"Jeez. What's wrong with you?" Junko whined. "All I need is your help."


Junko blew off some hair off her face in annoyance and sighed. "God, I am SO bored.
Someone finish them off already."

She sauntered off away as her crew finished off the elderly couple and torched the boat with the remaining villagers. Yawning, she rubbed her eyes unamused.

Kokichi followed her closely behind as they headed back into town. The buildings were burned down and marked with soot. Some of her crew were taking loot out of the houses. Junko crossed her arms in desperation.

"I love causing misery and despair as much as the next guy...but something is missing." Junko muttered to herself. "I was told that I could find it here. Why can't people understand?"

"They are probably too scared to admit to their final demise. If you think about it, they live in despair subconsciously." Kokichi theorized, Making Junko laugh.

"Oh, that is why you are my first mate, Ouma." Junko said, patting him in the back.

"Captain! We found it!" A crew member ran over to her, carrying a message in a bottle.

"Pah! Did it had to be so cliche?" She sighed as she pulled the cork out and shook out the paper. Unrolling it slowly, an evil grin began to grow on her face. "THIS IS IT! The secret that I have searching for!"

The faint handwriting scrawled on the page with the words 'Legend of the Mermaid'. Attached to the page was a ripped map with the Caribbean Sea circled in ink.

"Phuhuhuhu! Kokichi! Get the loot on the boat and the crew boarded. We set sail at once!" Junko cackled, a fist clutched with the paper pumped into the air.
"I am not sure about this." Nagito sighed, pushing his hair back with his fingers. He was sitting on his bed legs crossed, watching his friend Mikan Tsumiki packing.

"Why? How often does the boss of the Future Foundation give us a secret mission?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Not to mention, infiltrating the Ultimate Pirate's crew."

"Yeah, but why us? We are literally lap dogs here." Nagito said. "Are we that useless that they would send us to our death?"

" really are a buzzkill." Mikan sighed.
"Stop moping already and help me with this!"

The two of them packed up their things and headed out to the nearest port where Junko's ship had been spotted. The ride was long and bumpy but all Nagito could do was complain.

"Why couldn't they use Byakuya and Toko for this mission?" He asked.

"Dude, seriously?" Mikan slapped him on the arm. "You need to quit it...wait..."

Nagito looked at her with tired eyes and a sly smile. "What?"

"Are you acting right now?"

"Uh, yeah. People with Ultimate Despair don't care about other people's feelings and they tend to whine." Nagito informed her. "If I have to be around those assholes, I might have act like one."

Mikan scooted further away from him. "You scare me, you know that?"

He laughed before resuming looking out the window. In the distance, he could see the ocean  spread across the vast plains. Ships were lined up as the wind shook the sails. The seagulls cried as they soared through the sky.

'Maybe I should relax a bit...' He thought to himself. 'Yes, it will be a dangerous job, but I shouldn't let my inexperience get the better of me.'

Minutes later, Mikan and Nagito walked down the cobblestone road through the market, looking for anyone from Junko's crew. There was hordes of people whose faces seem to blend in.

"How are supposed to find these...hooligans?" Mikan whispered.

"Just try to find someone who looks bloodthirsty." Nagito replied just as he accidentally bumped into someone. Surprisingly, they had just found Kokichi Ouma.

"HEY! Watch where you are-..." Kokichi yelled before stopping seeing them. "Hmm. Let me wanna become a pirate!"

"What makes you say that?" Mikan asked nervously.

"Well, the clothes for starters..." He shrugged. "What really gets me your eyes. It just reeks of despair."

"Uh, thanks". Nagito acknowledged. Kokichi gave them a devilish smile and grabbed their hands.

"Hee hee! Hurry up already! The Cap'n has got to meet you!" Kokichi laughed maniacally as he ran up the road towards the ship.
To be continued...

A/N: Thank you for reading this! I would also like to thank DragonEmpress987 for asking me to do this story.

For the time being, The Tactician will be on hold. I have little to no ideas on how to advance the story (what happens when you write using 'go with the flow').


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