Chapter Seven: The Only Light in the Darkness

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As he laid in the water, all he could do was pray for mercy. He was beaten to death by Junko, but he was still breathing. He could feel the warm blood slide down his back and the cool air of the night burning his wounds. The skin on his wrists were peeling off from him struggling. It couldn't see as the sun almost disappeared in the horizon.


He heard a twig break and he remained still. The rustling and crunching of leaves got closer and closer to him, making his heart beat frantically. He wanted to scream, but it was like he had lost his voice. Shivers went down his spine as he could feel the presence looking at him.

Suddenly, his arms were cut loose and he was submerged into the water. Hajime gasped as he began to feel more alive. His gills took it all in as his breathing began to stabilize. Looking up, there stood a ripped reflection of a white haired man. However, when he swam up to meet him, he felt weaker. All that torture ran him dry.

Nagito picked him up bridal style as Hajime felt his eyes getting heavier. He could see the merman's skin going pale, his hair matted onto his face. The cuts bled onto his shirt, but he didn't care.

Suddenly, he heard a click. He slowly turned and saw Junko pointing a gun at the two of them. She had a tired look on her face, but she was giggling to herself.

"Oh?" She snickered. "How disappointing. My own second in command...disobeying me?" Nagito remained silent as he stared her down.

"Why, Nagito? I thought we were friends..." She whined. Noticing that he hadn't given up, she sighed. "Oh well. More fun for me."

Immediately, she pointed her gun up and took a shot. The loud bang emitted all around the island. Soon enough, some of the crew members were out with their torches. Nagito jolted down into the forest, not looking behind him. He could hear shots being fired and bullets whizzing past him. At that moment, he knew Mukuro was taking aim.

Hiding behind a tree, Nagito panted as the lights got closer to him. He needed to run but for some reason, he couldn't move. It was like his legs were frozen stiff. Fear? Or even maybe despair?

All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain from his shoulder blade. Nagito tried to scream, but his mouth was covered by a scaly hand...Hajime's hand. His eyes looked serious as his fangs pierced through the skin. Sucking the blood, he began to turn invisible and soon did Nagito. The crew got so close to them that Hajime held his breath, but they moved on. Shaking, the boys pushed on through, running towards the shore.

"Agh!" Nagito gasped as Hajime's hand was removed and they returned to normal. "That hurts like hell...but thanks."

"Save it for later." The merman said, out of breath. "Just run!"
Minutes later, in the dead of night, they managed to lose them. They found themselves on a secluded beach as Nagito lowered Hajime down into the ocean. Immediately, he took off and dived before rising up laughing.

"Thank you." Hajime said. "You saved my life. I owe you a lot. What happens now?"

"You can leave...I have to run." Nagito sighed, scratching his head. While he would like to believe it, it was a lie. If anything, he would have to surrender to Junko and face her wrath. He looked up to see that Hajime hadn't moved. "Why aren't you moving?"

"Come with me...or let me stay with you." Hajime blurted, making Nagito stumble and kneel down to his level. "I know we don't know each other that well...but you cannot deny that there is something."

"Something...special." Nagito said, resting his hand on the boy's cheek. "Hajime, I can't. No matter how much it pains me to say it, I cannot risk it. They will catch you if you don't go and I am-"

Hajime pulled him down and crashed his lips onto his. Soon, they were kissing in synchronization and sparks flew. Hajime moaned as he began kissing Nagito's neck. The white haired male embraced him, gasping in pleasure.

However, their special moment was interrupted with a loud bang...louder than a gun.

"Shit! Looks like she is back on the ship." Nagito said, standing up. "Hajime, please go! Now!"

"No! Not without you!" He screamed, ears perked up and fangs out. Nagito never saw him this anxious before. His heart told him to jump in and never look back. His mind told him to back away. It drove him mad.

"There they are!" A crew member called out from a distance, making Nagito jump in fear. Suddenly, he knew what he had to do. Closing his eyes, he ran and jumped into the water.

The dark waters felt heavy in his thin frame as he tried to swim. Hajime was nowhere to be seen. His lungs were about to collapse until he felt his lips. Hajime was sharing his air with him...but he felt weird. His neck felt strange and like it was on fire, but he focused more on the kiss and its sweet bliss. A minute later, Hajime broke it off and smiled. Taking Nagito's hand, he grazed his fingers on the neck and suddenly it made sense. He had received his own set of gills.

Nagito smiled weakly, but suddenly he felt dizzy. Hajime knew what was wrong. Since he is a human, transformations like this would take a toll on his body. The chameleon effect, however, wasn't as severe since he only needed his blood. As Nagito fell unconscious, his body began to sink down to the bottom. Hajime swam and put his arm around his shoulders before heading out.
Meanwhile, Junko was waiting on the ship when a crew member approached her.

"Ma'am. We lost them." He said, out of breath.

"Oh, I am aware of that." She said snidely as she looked at her sister. "Luckily...they haven't lost us just yet."
To Be Continued...

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