Chapter Six: Crossing the Line

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Later that morning, Nagito had a secret meeting with Mikan in the kitchen.

"You want me to do what?" She hissed. "Are you insane?"

"No...well, maybe." Nagito replied as he looked over his shoulder. "You know as much as I do that Hajime needs to escape."

"Yeah, at the risk of revealing ourselves as traitors!" Mikan sighed. "I care about him too, but this is way too risky."

"We don't have a choice. He is going to die and Junko will get what she wants." He explained. "We have to intervene!"

Mikan looked at him sympathetically before she placed her hands on his shoulders. " you remember when we first met? When I first started at the Foundation and I was a complete mess?"

He remembered it very clearly. It was like she was out of her depth. A black sheep in a herd. Nagito knee that if she didn't adjust fast enough, she was going to suffer at the Future Foundation.

"You were my only friend and I don't want you to get hurt." Mikan sniffled. Nagito hugged her tightly as she began to cry. He knew that this was a literal death game...but if Hajime was to survive, this was the only way.

"I cannot promise you anything, Mikan." He whispered. "All I can do is try...for the sake of hope."

Her crying turned into a whimper as she nodded. "For hope..."
As the sun got hotter, Junko kept a close eye as her crew struggled with their prisoner as they placed him on the boat. Nagito and Mikan could only watch from a distance in distress. Their orders was clear: stay away.

"You know, Nagito. If I didn't know any better, I would suspect that you have grown attached to it." Kokichi teased.
Nagito growled, clenching his fists. "Shame that you cannot make it to the ceremony, mate. The Captain was really hoping that you had the balls to-"

Suddenly, Mikan sucker punched Kokichi in the jaw. When she was given a look, she shrugged. "He was getting on my nerves."

"Wow!" Junko applauded, admiring the incident. "I'm impressed, my little nurse. Didn't think you throw a punch like that. Come and join me on the boat. I may need that fist of yours just in case my plaything acts out."

Nagito and Mikan looked at each other and nodded swiftly. She lifted a bag containing the day's meal and joined her captain. As the boat was being lowered, Nagito got a glimpse of a scared Hajime and his heart ached.

"Don't do anything stupid." Mukuro said as she walked past him. "Whatever you are thinking of will only end badly for you."

"Says you." Nagito retorted back as he made his way into the next boat. She followed close behind and sat down next to him.

"I mean it, you son of a bitch." She hissed as the boat was being lowered. He could feel his heart drop as he could feel her deadly gaze. "Junko isn't stupid! What do you have to gain if you decide to piss her off?"

"Well, who is she going to believe?" He retorted. "You may be her twin sister, but she has more respect for me and you know it."

She smirked. "Not for long."

The trip to the mainland was dreadful. Waves splashed and rocked the boat to the point of tipping. Most of the men were already throwing up and the sea salt smell didn't help matters. Nagito's only focus was on Hajime, who was hanging on for dear life. His tail was over the edge, touching the waves.
A few minutes later, they have landed on shore. Hajime was being carried by a few men with Junko following close behind. Nagito and Mikan stayed behind with the boats, in order to make shelter and dinner. It was at that time where their plan was set into motion.

"Are you sure that we have enough for everyone?" Nagito asked in a whisper. He stared into the pot of vegetables and stock. "How fast do you think they will fall asleep?"

"Umm..." Mikan sighed. "5-10 minutes, maybe. It also depends on the drinking they plan on doing." She pointed at several crates of rum that was brought on a separate boat. "I just hope I don't kill them."

He smirked and gave her a glance. "What's the matter? Getting soft on me?"

She looked behind her shoulder. "Shut up! This is coming from the guy who has a crush on a merman."

"I-it's not a crush!" Nagito blushed, as he placed the pot over the fire. "It's for the good of hope."

Mikan shook her head in disbelief. "Whatever you say, Nagito."

She began to crush the pills in a small bowl while he began to stir the stew. In the distance, he could hear screaming, and it drove him crazy. Hajime was suffering in the hands of Junko. Feeling his own scars, he remembered the pain he felt. Being different...had its price.
The sky darkened as the sun fell and a full moon rose. There wasn't a single star in the sky as the sounds of crickets and a fire crackling broke the silence. Nagito laid underneath a tree with Mikan sleeping peacefully on his chest. He could see all the crew fast asleep with beer bottles in their hands and full bellies.

Gently placing his friend down onto the sand, Nagito stood up and tiptoed to the closest crew member who had a sheathed knife on his belt. The foul stench of alcohol made him cringe, but he held his breath as he pulled the knife out. Backing away, he quietly exhaled before turning heel into the rainforest. The dark canopies of the treetops made it almost impossible to see. Nagito pushes through vines and tripped over roots, but he never stopped.
His lungs ached for air while his legs kept on pushing through the ground.

Suddenly, he stopped and hid behind a tree. In a vast opening of the rainforest, stood a pond with an old trunk watching over it. Tied to that trunk was Hajime, his back facing Nagito. Beside him, sleeping nearby...was Junko and her sister.

'Son of a bitch!' Nagito cursed himself in his head. 'She's gonna kill us...'
To Be Continued...

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