Chapter Five: Welcome to Misery

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For two weeks, it was silent...which concerned Nagito. Once in a blue moon, Junko would summon them for torturing. However, he could tell that her heart wasn't into it. It was concerning to say the least.

"Is she your queen or something?" Hajime muttered as he woke up from a nap. He struggled as his newly healed scars limited his movement. Nagito felt distressed about how many scars he had received during the course of the trip.

"In a way, yes." The white haired boy replied. "Are you sure you want to be moving around? She just finished beating you up two hours ago."

"Yeah...I'm fine." Hajime lied. He didn't want his friend to worry. "I just need some food." He smiled weakly as he reached for the plate. Nagito could tell that he was in pain from his expression, but didn't push it.

Some of the scars were already healing as new skin began to form, but was stiff to move around. Hajime had already hurt himself by stretching too much, causing the skin to break. Nagito had to bandage him up again, but he didn't mind if it meant seeing Hajime smile.

All of a sudden, the wooden door slammed open, revealing Kokichi and some of his goons. Nagito stood up uninterested, but he was weary. They had chains in their hands which was never a good sign.

"Good evening, Nagito." Kokichi greeted. "I am sorry to intrude on your little 'party', but I have an urgent message from the Captain."

"She can wait." Nagito seethed. "That bitch can wait."

Kokichi tutted, waving a finger at him. "My, my. You are so rude to our fearless leader." Grabbing an oar, he walked over to Nagito as he let the oar drag on the floor. Hajime covered his ears as the screeching made him sick.

His slow pace immediately went to high speed as he ran and swung the oar right into Nagito's face. The white haired male fell down as blood spewed out of his nose.

"As we are getting closer to our destination, Junko has officially ordered that you will no longer have access to see your 'boyfriend'. We will see to it that you will be escorted to your room." Kokichi chuckled as he snapped his fingers. The rest of his men swarmed around Nagito and he felt their hostility towards the both of them.

He tried to take a swing at one, but his fist was caught and pulled behind his back.

"Heh. You don't scare me." One man said as he threw a punch straight into Nagito's stomach. "No one is gonna save you now!"

Soon, all the men attacked. Some began beating him down at him while others held him and slashed him across the arms. Hajime bit a hand off one which earned him a smack on the head and another chain in his mouth.

"This is for my friends that your friend killed!" Another one screamed as he took his blade and made a huge gash on Nagito's back. Screaming in agony, he thrashed around, kicking and scratching at anyone who got too close. However, it only fueled their anger some more...
"We'll be back..." The men laughed as Kokichi closed the door behind him, leaving them in the darkness.

Nagito tried to stand up, but fell down in exhaustion. Hajime tried to take the chain out of his mouth, but failed. He screamed to his friend to no avail, so he restored to banging on the glass.

Nagito groaned as he tried to get closer to him by crawling on the ground. It was painful to watch as a streak of blood trailed behind him. Hajime had to look away as Nagito lifted himself up to the top.

"I got you..." Nagito whispered as he used a pin to unlock the chain. "Those sons of birches will pay."

"Stop! You're bleeding!" Hajime yelled the moment the chain left his fragile lips. Nagito only chuckled before collapsing back down to the ground.

The merman hissed as he heard the door opening once again. Mikan, carrying a tray of food. when she witnessed the horrible sight.

"Hold on...I'll get some more bandages!" She screamed, placing the tray down and scurrying off.
Minutes later, Mikan had managed to bandage up Nagito's wounds. He was asleep, resting on top of some crates. However, Hajime was resilient to Mikan's kindness as he had already tried to bite her several times.

"Please..." Mikan begged. "You need to eat something."

Hajime growled at her as he retreated to a corner of the tank. Mikan sighed, placing her tray back down and sitting in the chair. She placed her head in her hands, trying to calm herself down. Normally, she wasn't to have any involvement with the merman, but things have changed.

"Are you...gonna kill me?" Hajime hissed at her, but she didn't look at him. "Come already killed my only friend-"

"HE'S MY FRIEND TOO!" She screamed, standing up in a rage. Hajime was taken back by her sudden reaction. "How dare you accuse me of killing him! If it wasn't for him, you would be dead! You're lucky to have him look after you!" Hajime remained silent as Mikan began to pant.

"Mikan..." Nagito moaned, sitting up in pain. He looked over to Hajime and waved. "It's okay...she is a friend. I trust her, okay?"

"You should be resting. You were-" Mikan tried to explain, but Nagito shook his head.

"I'm okay. I'll rest in a minute. Just help me up, please." He asked. Mikan lifted him up with his arm onto of her shoulders. They slowly limped their way over to the tank where Hajime waited patiently.

"See? I'm fine." Nagito reassured, placing his forehead on his. Hajime began to purr as he stroked Nagito's hair. Mikan smiled at the two of them. Hajime gave her an apologetic look before nudging her shoulder. She rubbed behind his ears, making him smile.
It was early the next morning when Nagito was watching out the window. They were getting close to the island as he could see it on the horizon. Turning to a sleeping Hajime, he knew that he needed to plan an escape...and fast.
To Be Continued...

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