Chapter Twenty: The Void in My Heart

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A few days after the incident, the Council had sent Hajime to the depths of the centre to conduct further analysis and treatment. Being aware that he will attempt escape again, they had to be cautious.

"If what Angelyne said is true, then we cannot risk him dying." Lord Andreas said with a heavy heart. "We do not have the time to find another Noble to take his place."

"Hajime has been given a gift of communication of all aquatic life, Your Majesty." Lady Daveryn relayed. "If we cannot fix this mess, then our race is lost."

Chiaki sighed in despair, realizing how severe the situation had become. Despite her parents granting her the throne, she had little to no experience in politics. It didn't help that she was an only child, born in Royal blood, and she has yet to find her own mate. Hajime was her dearest friend, so having these action done against him killed her.

"Council, if I may?" Izuru raised his hand from his spot in the corner of the meeting room. "Forcing this course of action is dangerous. May I remind you that he is suffering from withdrawal? If we don't have his mate, he is going to die a painful death."

"We are aware." Lord Kingler replied. "However, this decision was made in lieu of an absent Royal. I am sorry."

"Fuck you and your rules." Izuru seethed, storming off out of the room. Chiaki shook her head in disappointment as she too left. The council sat in silence, knowing the price they had to pay.
Meanwhile, Hajime was resting in the soft grip of two octopuses in a cold cavern. There was barely any light in the room which made him shiver. He could already feel the symptoms emerging. His body was raggedy as he was losing weight, his hair felt longer than usual and his eyes were getting heavier.

"Hajime? You have some visitors." A healer mermaid said through the barred window on the door. The octopuses lifted him into a sitting position just as the door opened. Chiaki swam in and quickly hugged her friend, her soft sobs shaking his fragile body.

Izuru followed in, keeping a safe distance between them. Seeing Hajime in such a state broke him inside. They knew each other since childhood and despite the stoic expressions, he cared about the younger man.

"We tried everything, but they won't budge." Chiaki said, her voice breaking. " have to be strong. We will do whatever it takes."

"Chiaki...thank you." Hajime replied with a raspy voice. Izuru swam to them and patted her shoulder. She looked up at him and nodded. She took off, leaving them alone.

"Hey, buddy." Izuru said, patting his head. Hajime smiled, purring softly at the touch. "At first, I thought you were reckless going out to the surface...then Chiaki told me what happened. I am sorry for doubting you. If I knew that you were going to meet your soulmate, then..."

"You never know when it is going to happen." Hajime interrupted. "I thought I was going to die on that ship, but Nagito was the only one who showed compassion. For the first time...I saw something that I couldn't find in anyone else..."

"What was it?" Izuru asked.

"I am not telling you. You figure it out on your own." Hajime smirked weakly. "Go. I need to rest before...lunch."
Izuru took Chiaki down to her quarters for the night. It was a comfortable silence, though both had worries in their heads.

"Izuru? Are you okay?" Chiaki asked as she looked up at him.

"I'm fine, Your Majesty." Izuru replied.

"I know you...even though you don't show it. We have been friends for a very long time." She stopped him at the door, looking into his eyes.

He sighed, looking away in embarrassment. "I was talking to Hajime and...he said he saw something in Nagito that he couldn't find in anyone else." He looked at her and felt his heart skip. "Something he saw in his soulmate..."

She nodded, understanding the conflict. "It is different for everyone. You remember how Kaede and Shuichi became soulmates? She told me that despite having opposite views, they still found things that they had in common."

"Yeah..." Izuru muttered. "Maybe I shouldn't think about it so much."

Chiaki smiled before kissing him on the cheek. "You'll find someone..." She muttered before they locked eyes. Izuru cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. It was soft, but warm and fleeting.

"Maybe I already have...but failed to see it for so long." Izuru whispered, touching her forehead with his. "If you will have me..."

She gasped softly before giggling. "Of course, Izuru."

They kissed again, but more passionately. She had her fingers running through his messy hair. Izuru broke the kiss before hugging her gently. "Good love."

"Good night, Izuru." She waved goodbye before she adjourned to her room. He went back to the depths to keep an eye on Hajime, feeling light as air.

'Maybe Hajime was right...' He thought to himself. 'I cannot believe I didn't see it before. The way she knew how I felt through my stone cold eyes.' He chuckled to himself before he cleared his throat and returned to normal.
Meanwhile, Lord Andreas and Lady Angelyne were having a meeting with the head healer about Hajime's condition.

"It has gotten to the point that he refuses to eat." The healer explained. "Some of the staff were bitten by him as they tried to force the food down."

"Enough." Lord Andreas raised his hand. "Thank you. I'll contact you when we receive new orders for you. Just make sure he is still alive."

She bowed and took her leave as he turned to stare out the window. The moonlight was clouded by the dark waters which made it mysterious. He placed his hands behind his back, deep in thought as his sister paced around the room.

"The poor boy...suffering in despair..." Angelyne said in a hypnotic voice. "Despair...true and evil despair. It was what she wanted..."
To Be Continued...

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