Chapter Eleven: That One Spark

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Gundham laid back in his chair after hearing Nagito's story. It had never occurred to him that there were merpeople living among humans.

"I had noticed some strange behaviour from some of the aquatic animals I have been rehabilitating. Could it be...that your merman is responsible?"

"Was it bad behaviour or good?" Nagito asked, raising an eyebrow. "I can assure you that Hajime is NOT a monster."

"I never said he did." He growled. "However, he is a target. If Junko is after him, then the Future Foundation would be not far behind. They would kill him for the sake of hope."

Nagito's heart dropped. "But I don't have a choice. If I can get Naegi to understand the situation-"

"Are you willing to?" Gundham asked. "Is all the sacrifices you took worth revealing your position?"

"Gundham! Please be considerate!" Sonia, his wife, interrupted. "Nagito has come so far. We cannot just abandon them. They will be safe here."

The silence afterwards was tense. Gundham stared at Nagito while grasping his wife's hand. The clock ticked down the seconds loudly as the white haired's heart beat out of his chest. He wasn't scared for himself...but for Hajime.

"If you have to, throw me out!" Nagito finally spoke, tears welling in his eyes. "All I that you keep Hajime. He won't be able to survive out there. He had just become human."
Sonia gasped softly as Gundham gave him a look of confusion. "I know I am the last person you want to help out...and I get it. I haven't been the best friend to you and-"

"Stop right there." Gundham raised his hand to silence him. "Say no more." His lips became tight lipped as he held back tears. "I am a man of my word and...the lives of my animals are my top priority. Hajime may not be a creature of the sea anymore, but he is still a living being."

Nagito looked up. " will help?"

Gundham gave him a rare smile, but didn't say a word. It was more than enough for Nagito to understand.
So, a deal was made: Nagito and Hajime would stay in the house in exchange for labour. Gundham set up a bedroom next to the pool room so if Hajime wanted to visit his love, he could.

A week later, they were living comfortably. Nagito tended to the garden and took care of the animals outside. Inside, Hajime helped Gundham understand the sea creatures and their needs in their indoor aquarium. Gundham was so impressed that he decided to show him his prized specimen. He led him to the shark tank where hundreds of different species roamed freely.

"There he is: the rare tiger shark." He presented to Hajime. He pointed out to the shark who swam towards them, possibly of curiosity. "Out of all the sharks I rehabilitated, Gus is the only one I have yet to release. Due to his species being almost extinct, I couldn't part with him."

Hajime walked over in awe and placed his hand on the glass. The tiger shark got closer and nudged as his way of saying hello. He smiled softly as he nodded, confusing Gundham.

"He says that you are doing a wonderful job." He said, not looking away from the tank. "He does have some suggestions on how to maintain the peace among the others."

"Unbelievable..." Gundham said to himself. He began to see what Nagito saw: a kindred spirit.

"Hey. I thought I would find you here." Nagito called out as he stood beside Gundham. Seeing Hajime with his hand on the glass made him smile. "When we first met, I was just like him: peering behind the glass in awe of such a magnificent creature."

"You are too kind for your own good, but I guess I can sympathize." Gundham mocked.

"Says the guy whose knees got weak at the sight of a princess who likes horror movies."


Hajime looked behind him and when he saw Nagito, his face brightened. He rushed over and jumped on him, legs wrapped around Nagito's waist. "I missed you! I was just telling Gus about our adventures together."

" in..."

They looked at the shark who was just staring at them. He then moved on after he nudged on the glass one last time.

As they returned to the lobby, Sonia was preparing their lunch. While she was a princess, she tried so hard to learn the mannerisms of a housewife. Her cooking wasn't the best, but Hajime didn't mind. He would help most of the time while bonding with her over royal politics.

"So...did you do it yet?" Nagito asked Gundham.

"I sent Ragnis off to deliver a telegram to the Foundation. He figured they will be here a few days time." He replied. "Are you sure that this is a good idea? It won't kill them to wait any longer."

"No, but Junko is a completely different story. She has probably destroyed many villages by now. As much I would like to be selfish, I was given this assignment for a the risk of-"

"Hajime will be fine." Gundham reassured him. "You have been through a lot in a short amount of time. I sense a bond that shall never be broken, no matter how far you two will be apart."

"Heh. You turning psychic on me, Tanaka?" Nagito smirked as he watched Sonia and Hajime laughing. "I wish I had your confidence."
That night, Hajime decided to sleep with Nagito, despite the latter's protests. The king sized bed lined with silk sheets and cashmere pillows felt like heaven after a long day of work.
"Nagito? Are we truly safe here?" Hajime asked me as he nuzzled on Nagito's chest.

"Yes." He replied, kissing the merman's hair. "Yes, we will always be safe. I made you that promise didn't I?"

"I know you did. It's just that...I am getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen to you."

Nagito looked down at him, hearing him purr in sadness. All that he can do was gently brush his hair with his bony fingers until the merman fell asleep. He also started to hum a little lullaby to calm him down which also made him drowsy. Little did he realize that it was going to be the last peaceful day he will have.
To Be Continued...

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