Chapter Twenty-Six: Phoenix

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Chiaki listened as the guard recalled his findings. As soon as he described Nagito, her heart lifted in high spirits.

"Stop. Take me there. Now!" She ordered as she returned to Izuru and Hajime.

Hajime looked up at Chiaki as she whispered something in Izuru's ear. His eyes widened and he turned to her. Nodding silently, she took off with the guard while Izuru lifted Hajime up on his shoulders.

"What's happening?" Hajime asked, voice cracking. "Where are we going?"

"Chiaki has something for you." Izuru simply said, focusing on where he was going.
"I'll ask you one last time. Where did you get that?" The guard interrogated Nagito, making the latter sigh in dismay.

"I already told you! I just found it in my pocket with this note!" He said. "Why is this such a big deal-"

"That is the token from the Royal Family!" The guard said, shaking the necklace in his hand. "The only way someone as feeble as you would get their hands on it is if you attacked our Queen!"

"The hell I did!" Nagito snapped back. "Quit wasting my time and take me to her."

"You have no rights here, filthy human!" The guard took his weapon and as he struck down, it suddenly stopped in midair.

"Stand DOWN!" Chiaki demanded, using telekinesis to throw the weapon out of the guard's hands. "Get back to your post!"

"But...Your Majesty...this scoundrel took something this-" The guard showed Chiaki the necklace, hoping to see his side, but it backfired.

"I gave him that!" She said, taking back the necklace. "After all, how is Hajime's mate supposed to arrive here alive?"

The guard looked at Nagito, dumbfounded. "Wait...he's the Noble's mate?"

Nagito just smirked and crossed his arms as Chiaki dismissed the guard. They hugged it out, making Kazuichi confused.

"Hello? Hey, dude!" He screamed, standing in the ship. "Care to put me in the loop?"

Nagito chuckled softly. "Sorry about that. Chiaki, this is Kazuichi Soda, the creator of this ship. Kazuichi, this is Her Majesty of this kingdom, Chiaki."

Realizing she had royalty, Kazuichi freaked out before bowing. "I-I'm so sorry, Your Majesty! I didn't mean to be so disrespectful...PLEASE DON'T CUT MY HEAD OFF!"

"Relax...I am grateful for you, Soda." Chiaki said with a pleasant smile. "If it wasn't for your bravery, Nagito would not have been able to arrive here in time."

"Aw, shucks." Kazuichi blushed. "It was nothing, Your Grace."

"Hang on..." Nagito interrupted. "What do you mean by 'arrive here on time'? Did something happen? Where's Hajime?"

"It would be best if I show you..." Chiaki said. "...oh, I don't have anything to help you breathe underwater at the moment."

"Don't was worry, we got that covered." Nagito said as Kazuichi pulled out two diving suits out of the ship. They were brown skin tight suits with a full face mask connected to the breathing apparatus and the air tank on their backs.

Soon, Nagito was suited up and was headed to the hole with Chiaki. After Kazuichi did some final checks, he dived in feet first into the cool water. He waited for Chiaki and stared at awe as he noticed the changes to her tail.

"Come on! Follow me to the main hall!" She instructed, waving her arm over. Nagito nodded as they swam off. Some of the merpeople would bow down in respect to Chiaki while some welcomed Nagito to their kingdom.

"I guess word travels fast out here." Nagito said as the mask allowed him to speak.

"It was hard to avoid such a rarity." Chiaki explained. "Merpeople and humans don't often become soulmates. I cannot even remember when the last couple was recorded."
Meanwhile, in the main hall, Hajime was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. He was getting weaker by the second and it was concerning to everyone.

Angelyne lightly touched his forehead with her gentle fingertips. "He is burning up, Your Highness."

Izuru kept a firm face as he waited patiently for Chiaki. He knew it wouldn't be long, but every second felt like agony. Then, Nagito showed up and everyone gave a breath of relief.

"Hajime..." Nagito gasped, seeing him in this state made his heart broke. He felt tears well up from his eyes as he rushed over to him.

Izuru let his brother go just as Hajime's eyes opened. Nagito grabbed him and soon they embraced deeply. Hajime began to cry his heart out, grasping tightly.

"Oh, Nagito! Nagito! You came for me!" He screamed. Everything that he endured for so long came crashing down on him, removing all the weight off his shoulders.

"Of course I did." Nagito whispered. There wasn't a single day that I never stopped thinking about you. I drew pictures of you every single day."

"Really?" Hajime sniffled. Nagito nodded, brushing his hair.

"Nagito?" Chiaki asked. "Considering everything that is happening, I would recommend we get you a room for you and your friend to settle in for the night."

"Can I just stay with Hajime for a little while longer?" He asked. "I should have enough oxygen to last me a few more hours."

"Of course. My advisor will help out your friend back in the cave." She nodded.

Soon, Hajime and Nagito were cuddling in a spare room. The former was getting a bit better with his scales regaining its shimmer and his skin getting its glow back. The healers had begun giving him small doses of medicine again. Nagito was feeding him his favourite food to keep his strength up.

All the while, there were reports of the Leviathan was getting closer to the grounds. There were reports of several villages being destroyed, so that night, all the soldiers prepared an all out attack.

Suddenly, as midnight approached, a loud roar reverberated the ground, shaking the castle walls. The soldiers took their aim as a giant shadow in the distance was in their sights.

"Ready? Aim...FIRE!"

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