BX-You're Confusing Me Pt. 4

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Genre : Angst + Fluff

Song : Seventeen DK I'm First (Tempted OST)

requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

third person's pov
"what would you like to have?" BX asked Woohee. "i'll have what Yeonwon wants." Woohee said lifting Yeonwon up in her arms. "really? then can we have oreo bingsu?" she asked and BX smiled. "sure thing , go take a seat."

Woohee placed Yeonwon down on a seat at a table for 4 and sat next to her. "here , let me have your bag." Woohee said taking Yeonwon's bag from her and placed it on the chair opposite of her. when BX came with the bingsu , he noticed the only seat that was left available for him was in front of Yeonwon so he just sat down as if that didn't affect him. "tuck in." BX smiled handing a spoon to Yeonwon. the buzzer on the tray started buzzing so BX went to the counter to collect some more. when he came back , he had a bowl of bingsu that could fill one person.

"here's your share." BX said placing it in front of Woohee giving a spoon too. Woohee was taken aback by what BX just did because he remembered she was saliva conscious. "thank you." she said before tucking in after BX took his bite.

after the desserts , BX offered to take Woohee and Yeonwon back. he drove Yeonwon back to his brother's house first. "goodbye teacher Woohee." Yeonwon smiled. "see you in school Yeonwon." Woohee gave a hug to her. "uncle BX , can you go somewhere else first? i have a secret to tell teacher Woohee." Yeonwon smiled innocently. "o-okay.." BX reluctantly left the two girls alone.

"what do you want to tell me Yeonwon?" Woohee asked. Yeonwon placed her bag down on the floor and took out a tiny box from inside. "what's this?" Woohee asked as Yeonwon handed the box to her. "uncle BX wanted to give this to the girl that he liked. the girl i told you that looked like you." Yeonwon said. Woohee immediately handed the box back to Yeonwon. "i don't think it's nice to take something that doesn't belong to me. give it back to uncle BX alright?" Woohee said. "aw..but I took it from the backseat area." she pouted. "it's okay , i'll put it back for you. just remember ; you can never take things that don't belong to you. it'll be defined as stealing." Woohee said and Yeonwon nodded. "but teacher Woohee , i really like you and i can tell that uncle BX likes you too." Yeonwon said. Woohee just smiled and stood up. "you should go in now." she said turning her head to BX who started walking towards them. BX opened the gate and door for Yeonwon to go in and went back to the car. "let's go." BX said. "before we go , i need to return you this." Woohee took the box and showed it to BX who gasped when he saw it. "w-where did you get it?" he said taking the box away from her hand immediately.

"Yeonwon gave it to me ; she found it at the backseat. don't scold her alright? she's just a kid." Woohee said. "y-you didn't see what's inside right?" BX stuttered. "i don't do things like that." Woohee said before she got into the car. although BX said he would take her home , he wasn't intending to take her straight home. after driving for awhile , Woohee knew something was off after noticing the road BX was driving on wasn't familiar. "uh..you're taking me home right?" Woohee asked nervously. "i am , but we're going somewhere first." BX said. "sorry but i wanna go home." Woohee said. "trust me." BX said. "i can't , that's the problem." Woohee said making BX feel his heart shatter. he kept quiet during the whole ride until they arrived at where BX wanted to take her ; the convenience store.

"what in tarnation?" Woohee mumbled when she saw that he brought her to the convenience store. the two of them walked into the store and BX made Woohee sit by the window while he got food for them to eat. "eat up." BX smiled. "i didn't ask to come here. if you'd excuse me , i'm going home." Woohee got held back by BX who sighed. "previously , you asked for an answer but i didn't give you one. now i'll wait for your answer." BX took out the box which revealed a rose gold coloured ring. "this ring is something i got for you back when we were together. but i never gotten the chance to give it to you. now i'll give it to you and wait for your answer." BX said.

Woohee was about to give him a negative answer when suddenly a rush of the good memories that they had before went though her brain. she looked into BX's eyes that were filled with sincerity. "i-i-i.." Woohee didn't know what to say. "i can give you time if you need it. i'm willing to wait because you waited for me too." BX said. "i don't need time , let's give ourselves a second chance." Woohee said. "w-what?" BX couldn't believe his ears. "well if you can't hear me then too bad.." Woohee said. "no! i can! i heard you well and clear! thank you Woohee!" BX hugged her tightly in his arms and kissed her on her lips. "why did you bring me here though?" Woohee asked.

"because we had our very first kiss at a convenience store."


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