Yonghee-Just 7 Minutes

756 10 2

Genre : Smut

Song : EXID Cream

requested by _crepebear

third person's pov
"hey Joowon , can you help me with this?" Yeji asked as she struggled with the drink box. "weakling." Joowon said jokingly and went over to help Yeji. "well i can do this myself if i'm a weakling to need your help." Yeji said. "i'm just kidding. you sulky?" Joowon chuckled.

"now we wait for everyone to arrive." Yeji said. "what's taking them so long? didn't we say to meet at 6pm? it's already 6:30pm." Joowon asked. "not sure , i'll get Jisu to check on them." Yeji said and the two went back inside the chalet.

"Jisu-yah , what's taking the guys so long? did they say anything?" Yeji asked. "oh i forgot to tell you guys. Jinyoung texted me saying they're caught up in a traffic jam. will be about an hour late." Jisu said. "that's a long time." Serim said getting up from the sofa. "yeah they told us to have dinner first without them if we want to." Jisu said. "i'll wait , if you guys wanna eat first go ahead." Yeji said but no one went to touch the food. "well i guess we all will be waiting for them." Chaewon said and the girls went to sit in front of the television to wait for the guys.

30 mins later..

"finally the latecomers." Yiren said as she opened the door for the guys to enter. "oh come on , we aren't considered late comers if it was the traffic." Jaemin pouted. "ew are you acting cute?" Serim said making a disgusted face. "it's not surprising if it's Jaemin." Chaewon said. "come on in , we're all starving." Jisu said. "we told you to eat first so why didn't you?" Jinyoung asked. "well because there might be no food left for you guys when you arrive if we ate first." Joowon said and the guys chuckled. "then let's eat now!" Jeno charged towards the wrapped up food they ordered.

after dinner , Haechan , Renjun , Yiren and Joowon lost in the game of scissors paper stone so they had to clean up. "wonder what games we're play later on." Yiren said. "as long as it's not games recommended by Haechan , it'll sure be fun." Renjun said earning a glare from Haechan. "maybe we can diss Renjun as a game. that'll be fun." Haechan said "see? told you the games he recommended isn't fun." Renjun said and Joowon chuckled. "let's quickly clear these up so we can start playing then." Yiren said. "she's right Haechan! hurry!" Renjun smacked Haechan's butt before running off with his bag of trash. "i'll kill him one day. watch me." Haechan mumbled making Yiren and Joowon giggle.

after they cleared out the trash , everyone gathered where the sofa was to discuss the games they wanna play.

"we need to play games that people our age plays. that way it'll be more fun and exciting." Jinyoung said. "well if you say so—what game do you suggest?" Jisu asked and he shrugged. "i was just giving a description how i want the games we'll be playing to be like." Jinyoung said. after a moment of silence , Jeno jumped and smiled. "how about 7 minutes in heaven?" "what's that about?" Serim asked.

"are you kidding? you don't know what's that?" Jaemin frowned and shaked his head. "let me explain—" before Jeno could speak , Jaemin stood up. "7 minutes in heaven is...sex." he smiled to himself while all the girls had a disgusted look on their faces. "this dumbass.." Jeno mumbled before pushing Jaemin away. "7 minutes in heaven is played by getting two people in a room to have sex , it lasts 7 minutes." Jeno said. "two people?" Jinyoung asked and Jeno nodded.

"how are we going to pick?" Jinyoung asked. "spin the bottle—easiest and fair way to do it." Jaemin said before grabbing the almost empty soju bottle. he poured the remains into a clean cup and placed it on the floor. "form a circle , we'll start." Jaemin said. everyone got off the sofa and sat around the bottle. "remember , we can't defy what the bottle's decision is. you sat down , means you're up for the challenge if you're picked." Jeno warned and everyone nodded. "anyone wanna spin?" Jaemin asked but no one volunteered. "then i will." Jaemin smiled before spinning the bottle. the bottle was spinning so quickly that it took a while to stop. the tip pointed at Joowon.

"we have our first challenger—Joowon!" Jeno announced. Joowon was speechless but accepted her fate since she agreed to the game by sitting down. "Joowon , you should spin to pick your partner." Jaemin said. Joowon reached for the bottle and spinned it , not having anyone in mind. when the bottle stopped , her eyes followed the tip and made contact with Yonghee's. "the two quiet ones?" Jinyoung asked. "well , they're picked so off you two go into the bedroom!" Jeno said. Joowon and Yonghee was followed by everyone up till the bedroom entrance. "we'll time you and make sure you stop at 7 minutes. unless we hear you having too much fun then we'll think about it again." Jaemin held his handphone out with the timer set for 7 minutes.

the two was then pushed into the room before Jeno closed the door. "do you wanna lock it?" Joowon asked and Yonghee shrugged. "if you don't trust them then i'd suggest to lock it." he smiled. Joowon locked the door and walked towards Yonghee who was just staring at her blankly. "i don't know how to start." Yonghee said. Joowon hesitated , but sat herself on Yonghee's lap with her legs by both of his sides. her clothed womanhood was pressing against his member.

with their faces just inches away , Yonghee made the first move to kiss her. there was no tongue though , neither of them dared to use it. Joowon pushed Yonghee down onto the bed , pinning him down. when she pulled away from the kiss , she got up still seated right above his bulge that formed during the kiss. Joowon removed her top , making Yonghee remove his as well. "i thought it's the guy who should be the top." Yonghee asked. "i'm only top now because i felt like you wouldn't start." Joowon chuckled. Yonghee gently pushed Joowon over and removed his pants while Joowon removed hers.

"is this your first time?" Yonghee asked and she nodded. "i bet it's yours too." Joowon smiled. "how did you know that?" he asked. "you're embarrassed , your ears are exposing you." Joowon giggled. "sorry in advance if i won't do a good job." Yonghee got on top of Joowon and positioned himself at her entrance. "i'm going in now." he told her before pushing his dick inside Joowon causing her to gasp. Yonghee thrusted slowly and gently even though he wanted to go faster because he could tell Joowon was in pain. "tell me when you're ready to go faster , i don't want you to be in too much pain." Yonghee whispered into Joowon's ear as he planted kisses on her neck while Joowon was panting.

once she was used to the pain which turned into pleasure , she signaled Yonghee that she was ready with a nod and Yonghee started pumping faster. both of them were moaning as softly as they could because they knew their friends were outside trying to hear them.

before they knew it , they came together. Yonghee laid himself next to Joowon and the two looked at each other before laughing. "i can't believe my first time is with a guy like you." Joowon said. "guy like me?" Yonghee asked. "yeah , you're quiet and have the image of an innocent boy." Joowon said. "i guess you're implying that looks are deceiving." Yonghee said. "whatever you want to take it. anyway , you're quite good earlier on." Joowon said. "i was?"

"yeah , you were gentle for sure but i enjoyed it. have no idea why my friends told me rough sex was better." Joowon chuckled. "i don't think i can do rough." Yonghee chuckled along. "just stick to gentle , it suits you." she smiled.


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