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Myron overlooks the walkers gathering at the front gates to the commonwealth and smiles to himself as he motions to beta.

"This is going to be a great day sir."

"I don't care..." beta breaths out and walks away from Myron. 

Lukas comes up to his sie and Myron smiles to him

"you alright?"

"I, just, I worry about mason I hope he's okay."

"I'm sure he is-"

"he is."

Myron turns around eyeing Presley covered in blood as she stares between the two men and nods to them.

"he is fine and on his way home now."

"to the estate! well, that is wonderful Presley!" Myron grins and Presley states coldly.

"not the estate."

Myron turns his head and asks.

"then what did you mean by home?"

"the walkers..." Lukas whispers and Myron turns back as they all turn and bein walking away from the commonwealth entrance and Myron asks.

"what's going on-"

"the end." a man in full military attire walks up next to Presley and Myron turns his head as the man states.

"We all have jobs to do Myron. I thought you understood yours..."

Myron steps back afraid of the man who has scars all over his face and bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep as Myron whispers.

"your him?"

The man turns his head and Presley looks to him.

"Who are you?"

"the Reid's sent me here to take things over and ensure their interests are kept in the commonwealth and of course the new wealth, my wealth."

the man steps closer to Myron towering over him as he asks.

"you wouldn't fuck with my wealth would you Myron?"

"I..." Myron looks down and the man smiles to himself as he asks.

"I gave you some men, I gave you some of my patriots and you decided to use them like some trashy barbarians. these are decorated war heroes, patriots to the old world and creators of the new wealth, my wealth."

"The Reid's wealth."

"you're a Reid?" Myron says sounding scared of the man.

the man turns his head sideways and stares down Myron as he whispers.

"we're a big family. most of us fought overseas in the wars before the apocalypse, we are all real patriots after all. well, all of us except my dear little brother Alexander he was always good with talking, but I, I hate talking."

Myron falls to the ground as the man shoots him in the thigh and Presley steps back afraid of the man's show of aggression without warning. the man turns his head sideways and stares down Myron.

"lessons are learned is what my father use to say to me and my brothers right before he would beat our ass"

"lessons are learned..." the man points his gun for emphasis at Myron as he asks.

"have you learned yours yet Myron?"

Myron remains quiet and Lukas goes to step forward.

"you just wait boyy." the man motions to luke who stands still afraid of the man standing in front of him as the man again states.

"I asked you a question, have you learned your lesson, Myron?"

before Myron can answer the man shoots his other leg emphasizing his point again as he speaks loudly yelling his words.

"lessons are learned!"

a large group of patriots gathers around circling the altercation watching their leader with devotion as he speaks again raising his gun towards Myron.

"if you haven't yet. I sure as hell am going to make sure you get it but slowly now I want my boys here to make sure they get it too."

Myron breaths out in pain asking unsure he understands.


The man places his gun down at his feet and walks over casually to Myron's side as he whispers into his ear.

"nobody, and I mean, nobody, fucks with the Reid's Myron. you didn't think mason would know, you miscalculated in what you did and what you did is fuck yourself over."  

the man motions to another man in full black armor similar to Myron's and places out his hand.

"Demetri, my sword please."

Demetri slowly takes out a sharpened samurai sword from a long sheath and walks it over to his leader and bows his head holding it out to the man. the man takes the sword and motions out to the large gathering of patriots.

"lessons are learned my patriots. we don't take well to traitors the new wealth expansion, the people who rely on us rely on the trust that we are good people. good people don't kill innocent kids, kill innocent families, we can forgive things of the past but you wear our colors, you represent our beliefs, our traditions and above all Myron, above all, I told you this you never fuck with the top..."

Myron pushes back trying to crawl away but he stops bumping into a group of patriots as the man walks casually over to him holding up the blade as he states coldly.

"you never fuck with the top Myron because its a damn long fall to the bottom."

The man looks down coldly and swings his blade hard chopping down onto Myron's leg severing it as he screams out in agony. the man lets out a small laugh as he mocks Myron.

"were you expecting me to kill you?" 

he hands off the blade to Demetri who wipes it down with an already blooded cloth and slips it back into its place as he stands beside his leader and he watches his leader look down at the man and speak ensuring his men hear him well.

"see Myron we aren't animals we are good people but clearly you are not one of us."

the man motions to the edge of the hill.

"throw this trash down where he belongs with the dead" 

Demetri and another man in full black armor grab Myron as Myron screams.

"Please, please, no, please!"

the man turns his head sideways enjoying the man's begging and walks up to him as his two generals hold onto Myron tight. the man takes a peek over the dirt hill and the long drop as he nods to Myron and whispers.

"as I said its a long way to the bottom." 

the man kicks Myron hard as his men let him go and Myron tumbles down hitting the dirt below as the man looks down smiling and Demetri asks.

"Viktor should we send people down to collect him?"

"watch it closely see how long the man lasts then send a medic and team down to collect him. mason wants to deal with the trash personally so keep him alive long enough for Mason to give the last blow."

"yes, sir.." Demetri salutes him and yells out to the crowd of patriots.

"shows over! we all have jobs to do!"

the men walk away slowly and Viktor catches Lukas's eye as he casually walks over to him and asks.

"I am sure being mason's best friend Luke you wouldn't betray him like Myron, right?"

Luke remains quiet and Viktor whispers.

"plenty of room down that hill for one more boy so be smart now and remember who your friends are."

Viktor nods his head to luke and walks away from him leaving him alone on the hill hearing Myron scream up for help.

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