Bloody Fields (Flashback Part One)

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Mason collapses on top of his brother holding the knife into Sam's neck as he whispers to him. 

"don't pull it out."

Mason stands there eyeing his brother bleeding out and eyes him blink his eyes but walks away leaving him there. Sam lays there still feeling and tasting the blood filling his throat. He hears voices and hears the sounds around him of walkers but feels his body go stiff with pain and his throat not able to produce words. As he drifts he hears screaming close to him and feels a hand placed to his neck providing pressure to the wound.

"there's someone here!"

He drifts back awake and hears an older man's voice.

"we poured alcohol on it, burnt his neck wound shut. if he survives it will be a miracle."

Sam shifts feeling his neck sting in pain and hears a voice.

"you gotta drink kid."

He takes a small sip and feels the dried blood in his throat loosen as he tastes it and coughs up seeing the blood spray the lawn and the man taps his back.

"it's okay kid take it easy."

"What happened to you?" Dominick stares down the kid and Sam tries to speak but can't produce the words and the man nods his head understanding.

"it was a very deep cut kid. One met to kill you or injury you enough to make you look dead. one of those I assume but being it is the apocalypse killing you was probably the goal."

Sam's hand nervously shakes as the man stares him down and asks.

"can you say your name?"

he goes to say his name but can't produce the words and shakes his head no as the man nods.

"give it time kid."

Dominick taps his back and looks back to his nice size group and motions to the kid.

"We want to leave tomorrow. do you think you can walk?"

Sam nods his head and the man pushes the water to him and motions to it.

"keep drinking kid."


Sam walks slowly with the group noticing how nervous some of the kids around him look and he reaches down for his kife pulling it out. he hears a  kid behind him.

"you go for the head, right? I mean I've seen that. I'm pretty sure that's what we do?"

the group around Sam stops and he hears the loud groan of the walkers around him as the group around him nervously shifts. he can't speak due to the pain in his neck but a few walkers dash out of the woods and go for some of the group. the walkers grab for some kids bringing them to the ground. he hears the screams around him and hears Dominick scream back.

"the head!"

Sam turns seeing a kid struggle with a walker and remembers what Mason told him as he hears his brother's voice.

"It is always you."

His hand nervously shakes with the knife as he swatches the walker bite into the boy devouring him and he slowly backs away into the larger group pretending he didn't see anything. the walkers pile out of the woods surrounding the group as he grips his knife tightly watching the walkers fall and watches some kids around him be devoured. he slowly takes one walker after the next shoving his knife into their skulls doing his best to survive but feels his legs become weak as Dominick screams "run, run for the exit of the woods, now!"

the remaining group takes off running and sam tries to keep up but feels himself grow tired and weak. he hears his brother's advice ring in his head knowing what he has to do. he pushes his back to a tree and watches some walkers attack other kids devouring them in the middle of the woods and turns his head as he nods to himself and creeps out of the shadows. he brings his knife up shoving it into the walker's skull and drags the body into the shadows. he stares down the walker and jams his knife into its gut pouring the blood onto himself and wiping some on his face. he hears the screams of the other kids as walkers catch up to them and he slowly walks out blending in with the large horde. he shifts walking out into the open and eyes the kids and Dominick waiting for others to come. he stops and Dominick turns his head eyeing over the kid as he asks.

"are you alright?"

Sam nods his head yes and walks by the group sitting off to the side away from everyone as the other kids stare after him amazed by how he survived the horde. he sits there staring off thinking of all the things his brother taught him and feels the pain in his neck as his hands nervously shake.  he flinches feeling Dominick's hand on his shoulder and he looks down at the kid as he asks.

"you alright kid?"

sam nods his head, yes. Dominick smiles down at the kid as he nods to him.

"you're a survivor. I can tell."

Sam sits there hearing some screams from the woods and Dominick yells to the group.

"we move further north than we can make camp in one of the buildings in town."

the group hikes forward getting to town and Sam stares at the familiar surroundings knowing it is part of the trials and feels his heart rate pick up as they get further into town. he stops remembering the area and the number of walkers kept close but can't form his words and remains silent unable to warn anyone.  they find a building making camp inside and Sam sits there staring down the doors knowing their are scouts outside and keeps himself covered so no one can make out who he is. As he drifts to sleep he hears some voices whispering around him about the walkers. he drifts off but is frightened awake by yelling.


a loud bang erupts as the older boys try and fight off the walkers as Dominick screams out.

"the back, out the back!

Sam runs with a gorp out the back and eyes some walkers coming towards them and runs to the side with the group as they keep moving into the woods. Sam stops staring down the building hearing the screams of some of the older kids and hears someone yell out.


Sam moves towards the scream and eyes a kid surrounded by walkers as another kid comes up to his side.

"What, what do we do?"

Sam goes to step forward but remembers what his brother taught him and motions to the side towards empty woods and pulls the kid off with him as they run to safety leaving the other kid behind.  As they come to a clearing they stop to catch their breath and the other kid asks.

"was that, was that okay we just left him?"

sam doesn't reply still having pain in his neck trying to speak and just nods his head yes as a reply and the kid stares him down unsure he belives the other boys reply as he asks.

"Should we go back?" the kid goes to step towards the screams but Sam grabs him shaking his head no. Dominick appears with smaller groups and eyes the two boys over and motions to Sam.

"you are really a survivor kid arent you?"

Sam goes to open his mouth but still can't speak and just nods his head as a reply remaining quiet."

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