Chapter 4

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Once again, she heard something moving outside, so she opened the door and found a little kid at her doorstep so she asked, "What are you doing out so late? Are you lost? Where are your parents?".

"Can you help me find my cat?" the kid asked while tearing up.

Danny gave the kid a hug and said, "Sure, but after we find your cat, we are taking you home. Where do you live?".

"Next door," the boy said while still tearing up.

"Why did you decide to look for your cat at this time at night?" Danny asked while trying to calm him down.

"The monsters come out at night and I don't want to lose him," the boy said looking up at Danny trying not to cry.

"Monsters? Okay. Where did you see your cat last?" Danny questioned clearly confused.

"He went towards your house so I wanted to get him quick," the boy said, wiping the tears off his face.

"Do your parents know where you are?" Danny asked when he stopped crying.

"Yeah. they are over there watching me. See?" the boy said while pointing across the street.

Danny looked over towards his house and as he said, his parents were looking over there for him so she waved them over. When his parents came over, Danny asked, "What does your cat look like?".

"Our cat is over there on your chair. We are so sorry that this child bothered you. He cares a lot about Jack," the mother said while hugging the boy.

"May I ask why he is out so late? It's dangerous to be out at this time and a patient from a mental asylum escaped so I suggest not leaving your house at night," Danny said while handing the cat to the little boy.

His parents said," He just left so suddenly and before we had time to catch him, he was already at your house. Thank you for watching him and for the warning" and grabbed his arm.

"If you do run into them, don't freak out since that will only get them annoyed and they might hurt you," Danny said worriedly.

"How do you know all this?" the man asked seeming interested in her knowledge.

"I help out at the mental asylum in town so I know how to handle these types of people. Well be safe now and have a good night," Danny said while waving.

"Goodnight and thank you," the two adults said while walking back to their house.

Danny had a weird feeling about what the kid said so she asked herself, "What did that kid mean by monsters come out at night? Is he talking about the escaped patient? Has the patient come by here at night before? Also, why didn't the parents say that the boy was their child? I need to stop worrying about this and go to sleep" and she finished putting things away in her room then went to bed.

"What were you thinking?" the woman shouted at the boy who didn't flinch.

The boy looked up and said, "I simply wanted to see her".

"You know the rules! What did you say to her?" she shouted while shaking the boy.

"I only said that the cat got out and I wanted to find him," the boy said smacking the lady's hands off him.

"How dare you purposely let him out? You were told not to have any interaction with the target!" the woman said.

"You are not in control of me so stop yelling at me or I will slit your throat as slowly as possible so you have a long and painful death," the boy threatened and she backed up.

"He has got you there. The boss said we couldn't go near her but never told us that we could yell at his prized pupil and he is part of the famous Hueston family. I suggest you leave the kid alone if you want to stay alive," the man laughed.

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